Seers Witching
Siare Häxar
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Vad ser en Siare?
Sanningar som undgår de flesta och framtiden.
En och annan profetia sitter inte heller fel.
You are a Seer!
You see things that are hidden to most others.
You undestand evil and where it comes from.
The untold and unseen are no mysteries to you.
En del lärlingar är Siare och deltar i Odjurens Tid.
Some apprentices are Seers and part of Odjurens Tid.
Odjurens Tid för siare och häxor!
Seekers Dreaming
Sökare Drömmer
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Vad lockar en Sökare?
Insikter om våra legender och urtida historia.
En och annan fantasi sitter inte heller fel.
You are a Seeker!
You search for ancient wisdom and knowledge.
You unveil the rulers agenda of this realm.
The stories of old are what makes you jive.
En del lärlingar är Sökare och deltar i Sagan Om Ringen.
Some apprentices are Seekers and part of Sagan Om Ringen.
Sagan Om Ringen för sökare och drömmare!
Creators Welding
Skapare Smider
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Vad leker en Skapare med?
Kreativitet i egna ord och bilder.
En och annan websida sitter inte heller fel.
You are a Creator!
You create new and beautiful things.
You take from nothing and make anew.
The emptiness is filled by your imagination.
En del lärlingar är Skapare och deltar i Romeo & Julia.
Some apprentices are Creators and part of Romeo & Julia.
Romeo & Julia för skapare och smeder!
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Elemental Spirits
We, we are older than you,
you earth's children, proud and young.
Chaos' age-old voice are we,
Chaos' formless song we sing.
We, we are wind, we are water,
we are clouds in flight,
lamenting softly, lamenting shyly
far through the black late autumn night.
We, we are falsehood and play,
with tears a restless, playing call.
The moon, our lord, stands piningly pale.
King Vesäll, he attracts and bewitches us all.
Children of the earth - when the rain grows cruel,
hearths and bright homes you build.
A power you have that frightens us sore,
the hard steel in hands surely held.
Come, taste the pale enchanter's drink,
drink us out of the moon's bowl,
submerge yourselves in Chaos' formless power,
throw by the wayside your firm steel!
But to the sun in storming autumn
you build temples to shield against the night.
We seek woe like a drunken solace -
we are water, we are wind in flight!
Poem by Karin Boye