The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of a bright world dies
When day is done.

The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.

Poem by Francis William Bourdillon

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Welcome to "Love Circle" Kärlekens Cirkel.
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I adopted my dolls at DHF

Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep,
And shall my soul that lies within your hand
Remember nothing, as the blowing sand
Forgets the palm where long blue shadows creep.

When winds along the darkened desert sweep?
Or would it still remember, tho' it spanned
A thousand heavens, while the planets fanned
The vacant ether with their voices deep?

Soul of my soul, no word shall be forgot,
Nor yet alone, beloved, shall we see
The desolation of extinguished suns,
Nor fear the void wherethro' our planet runs,
For still together shall we go and not
Fare forth alone to front eternity.

Poem by Sara Teasdale

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Join Time of the Beasts' mail-group.

Odjurens Tid - för alla sanningssökare
Odjurens Tid för sanningssägande siare!

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Odjurens Tid

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Sagan Om Ringen för historieälskande sökare!

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Romeo Och Julia för skönhetsskapande smeder!

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Romeo Och Julia

This is my 8 sabbath-pages of the turning of the year-wheel
and the natural order of things. So please enjoy them and send
the links to whoever you feel like sharing them with.
Just click this card below and you'll go there:

Morgans 1st anniversary 2020

Morgan 52 years 2021
Morgan 53 years 2022Morgan 52 years 2021Morgan 51 years 2020

Click card to go to the jubilee site!

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Gifts for You

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Graphics by Me

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom,
the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality." Michael Ellner

Starchild Skull - The New Evidence UFO Propulsion, Advanced Technologies

Welcome to Love Circle

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Sagittarius is the last sign of autumn, who is deceiving us?
Capricorn is the first sign of winter, who is oppressing us?

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The Green or the Blue Pill?

Magnolia           Fairyland

The Green pill will take you to my home world - a safe and beautiful place at the surface but with
omnious threats luring below the surface. This is the solid earth we all cherish with its green meadows
and living creatures. An audience watching a play. Choose the green pill and scratch the surface every day.

The Blue pill will take you into fantasy land - an illusion never ending with not much resemblance to the reality
of this world. A place as entrancing and eternal as the blue starry sky at nightfall. It's like the movie-screen.
So if it is a forever going movie you like your life to be - choose the blue pill above.

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