Knights Seeking
Riddarna Söker
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Vad söker en Riddare?
Kunskap om historia, maktens ringar eller ens eget släktträd.
En och annan saga från det förflutna sitter inte heller fel.
You are a Knight!
Aggressive, Bold, Decisive. Intelligent, logical, and competitive,
you live for adventure but also seek a purpose greater than yourself.
En del féer är Riddare och deltar i Sagan Om Ringen.
Some fairies are Knights and part of Sagan Om Ringen.
As a lady you might choose to call yourself a Dame!
Sagan Om Ringen för riddare och sökare!
Courtesans Creating
Kurtisanerna Skapar
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Vad skapar en Kurtisan?
Förnöjelser som konst, skådespel och fester.
En och annan dikt som talar till själen sitter inte heller fel.
You are a Courtesan!
Lovely, Intelligent, and Talented. You are a lover of royalty and fantasy
and probably express this artistically, musically, or in writing, or absorb
yourself in works related to it. You are gifted with a beautiful intellect
and a wonderful imagination and creative spirit.
En del féer är Kurtisaner och deltar i Romeo & Julia.
Some fairies are Courtesans and part of Romeo & Julia.
As a gentleman you may choose to call yourself a Courtier!
Romeo & Julia för kurtisaner och skapare!

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Ases and Elfen
The ases rode over the rainbow bridge with frost white weapons,
glimpsed distant in the Ironwoods darkness the dripping beastgaps.
The swords clang and shone, when giants names were heard.
The echo of the voices, the noise of hooves far into the space travelled.
The elfen walked in burgeoning grass softly on smooth feet.
Trees sprung in bloom, when the elfens stepped lightly over knotty roots.
The earth realm were joyous, sprouting Spring arrived,
the May night glowed white from the elfens white skin.
Ases and elfens went to court and split the might of earth.
The ases sat like cut out of stone, heavy of ancient glory.
The elfens glided like shadows - they wander as they wish -
shadows of all that isn't but once might come to exist.
Ases and elfens hold consultation and split the earth such:
for the ases all a hand can touch and all a word can reach,
for ases all which is spoken and all the time that has passed -
for elfes that which then remains: all nameless and new.
Ases and elfen hold consultation and split the human species:
for ases those who hold on to the fathers inherited rights,
chiefs and warriors and all the sacrificial priests
and all whom in temples pray - from east to west.
Ases and elfen hold consultation and split the human family:
for elfens those who blindly obeys a day yet not broken,
all who blot in the woods and the fathers laws not support
and all who grows like wild trees - all, from north to south.
So they decided, and so it became. So they governed the earth's ring.
The ases govern over ransom in battle and visable signs and things.
But the elfens govern the things which never a name has had,
and all what they have and all what they give is the fertility might.
Poem by Karin Boye