
Simple Buttons

Part 2

We have our new image, and have put a bevel on it.  Now we are going to put a border around our image to give it a little more unique flavor, a finished edge and then add some text.

add borders Go to "Image/Add Borders" and we will add a border to our image.  Make sure that your background color is set to "white" or some other contrasting color.
Make your border 5 pixels in width and symmetric is checked. border settings
magic wand Using the magic wand, select the border that you just created, and you will see the marching ants surrounding the border.
Flood fill the border with #CAA4CA.

Using the same setting for an inner bevel that you had before, put an inner bevel on your border.

Deselect, and you will have a blank button.
blank button


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