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I've no sheep on the mountains
Nor boat on the lake
Nor coin in my coffer
To keep me awake
Nor corn in my garner,
Nor fruit on my tree
Yet the maid of Llanwellyn
Smiles sweetly on me.

Rich Owen will tell you,
With eyes full of scorn
Threadbare is my coat,
And my hosen are torn
Scoff on, my rich Owen,
For faint is thy glee
When the maid of Llanwellyn
Smiles sweetly on me.

The farmer rides proudly
To market and fair
And the clerk at the ale house
Still claims the great chair;
But of all our proud fellows,
The proudest I'll be
While the maid of Llanwellyn
Smiles sweetly on me.

Joanna Bailley
(1762 - 1851) Scottish Poet

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© Vetteljus 2006
Art by John William Godward - Youth and Time 1901