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Name: |
Queen Angelica |
E-mail address: |
fairylandpoetrybluesky@gmail.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://vetteljus.se/sagoland |
Dear visitor,
Please sign this guestbook before you take a leave. I appreciate all messages that are written in a genuine spirit. I do not join groups though, as I have no time over with my own groups and running my Royal Empire. It's very gracious of whoever wish to invite me, but I do not wish to give you false hope. I will not join any other groups then my own. If you wish to join us, please fill in the form and send it in!
Greetings from Queen Angelica (ruling over Fairyland Poetry)
Tuesday, May 8th 2012 - 12:18:30 AM

Thursday, February 2nd 2012 - 07:47:37 PM

Name: |
Amanda George |
E-mail address: |
catchers.fwf@googlemail.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://www.friendswithoutfaces.org |
Please consider joining us at FWF... if you are over 18 years old and agree to the rules you will be accepted!
We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.
With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we with in a daze.
We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody, to type out our name.
We want recognition, but it is always the same.
We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes flirt.
In PM's we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.
We do form friendships - but - how, we don't know
But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow.
Why is it on screen that we can be so bold
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.
Why is it we share the thought in our mind
With those we can't see, as though we were blind.
The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell.
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.
We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must,
So we turn to the 'puter, and to those we can trust.
Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains
They are Friends Without Faces, and odd little names.
~author unknown~ |
Tuesday, November 8th 2011 - 05:52:48 PM

Name: |
Angel Amanda |
Homepage URL: |
http://www.heavensangels01.com/index2.html |
Comments: Please consider joining us at Heaven's Angels! It's a wonderful community for men and women and I would love to have you join me there!
Monday, September 26th 2011 - 12:04:41 PM

Name: |
Amanda George |
Homepage URL: |
http://angelsofthegarden.org |
Comments: Hello,
You have a lovely website and I’ve enjoyed my visit very much. I would also like to invite you to join a wonderful group called Angels Of The Garden. If you are interested in looking around just follow the link and if you like what you see and would like to join us please tell them that Amanda George sent you.
Thank You,
Amanda. |
Monday, September 19th 2011 - 12:58:21 PM

Name: |
Tina Jordan |
E-mail address: |
tonkatina@yahoo.com |
Comments: Very pretty site Berit!
Marsha the mouse muncher from fairyland xoxoxo
Reply: Hello Tina, and thanks for your comment, though I'm not sure what site you are refering to, since I'm not Berit.
Perhaps you are refering to my other guest Berit's site, which is very beautiful? She got her webset from http://www.malaika.org.uk/ - who makes lovely ones, which you can buy from her.
My nick for Fairyland Poetry - and all my Blue Sky of fantasy sites - is as always Alven Angelica.
Greetings and again thanks for your comment - come back soon and enjoy yourself on my Fairyland site! |
Thursday, March 10th 2011 - 06:51:31 AM

Name: |
Berit Sandström |
Homepage URL: |
http://www.mosterbeda.se |
Comments: Hejsan. Tittar in för att önska dej en skön Pingst kram Berit |
Friday, May 29th 2009 - 12:01:23 PM

Name: |
Jill Henderson |
Homepage URL: |
http://www.wosiblives.designer-creations.com |
Comments: I have enjoyed my visit to your site. I would like to extend an invitation to you, to join WOSIB Lives. We are a group of women who gather together in love and friendship. We have many different gardens and activities for you to participate in. Stop on by and check us out. |
Friday, May 1st 2009 - 02:30:51 AM

Wednesday, August 27th 2008 - 02:31:00 AM

Name: |
Lady Lioness |
E-mail address: |
homeofthelioness@hotmail.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://sugarsisters.org/ |
Comments: Hi!
I have Been searhing the net to find some awsome sites.
And I foud yours!
And I would love to invite you to S.U.G.A.R.
Sisters uniting gals of all rases.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful site.
With love from/
Lady Lioness
Tuesday, August 26th 2008 - 10:06:12 PM

Name: |
Fairy Skyla |
E-mail address: |
fairyskyla@yahoo.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://fairyskyla.com/webringsowned.html |
Comments: You are cordially invited to join the I Have Wings Webring and Fairy Musette's Grove Webring. These webrings have been online now since 2001 and will guarantee new visitors to your website. We are not an online group but a webring that connects each other's website. We are located at the new ringsurf. Please consider joining us.
Friday, August 8th 2008 - 09:12:08 PM

Friday, May 30th 2008 - 10:11:34 AM

Name: |
Jackie |
E-mail address: |
aries76@clearwire.net |
Homepage URL: |
http://aries72.tripod.com/jackiessites/ |
Many many happy returns of the day on your very special day that will be filled with lots of love, peace, happiness oh there will be more, never fear for it is the special day of the year.
Friday, May 30th 2008 - 04:25:40 AM

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:12:54 PM

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:04:32 PM

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:03:38 PM

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:02:45 PM

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:01:49 PM

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 07:57:05 PM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@twopagans.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Spirit of Darkness has dropped by
to spread some cheer before she flies.
She has been here to dust your guest book with some cheer.
She wishes you much luck, my dear. She wishes you well in these fights
and hopes your site does alright! She wish you much luck this week,
and hopes you gain the victory you seek! You've been dusted by a Mystickal Fae,
but now she's gone on her way. She whispers as she fades away
Remember to cheer every day,
just like all of us Fae!
Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 07:50:56 PM

Monday, March 17th 2008 - 05:51:32 PM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@twopagans.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Spirit of Darkness has dropped by
to spread some cheer before she flies. She has been here to dust your guest book with some cheer.
She wishes you much luck, my dear. She wishes you well in these fights
and hopes your site does alright!
She wish you much luck this week,
and hopes you gain the victory you seek! You've been dusted by a Mystickal Fae,
but now she's gone on her way.
She whispers as she fades away
Remember to cheer every day,
just like all of us Fae!
Saturday, March 15th 2008 - 06:12:45 AM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Comments: Spirit of Darkness has dropped by to spread some cheer
before she flies. She has been here to dust your guest book with some
cheer. She wishes you much luck, my dear. She wishes you well in these
fights and hopes your site does alright! She wish you much luck this
week, and hopes you gain the victory you seek! You've been dusted by a
Mystickal Fae, but now she's gone on her way. She whispers as she fades
away Remember to cheer every day, just like all of us Fae!
Sunday, September 9th 2007 - 09:54:03 PM

Monday, May 28th 2007 - 11:01:24 PM

Saturday, May 26th 2007 - 05:37:07 AM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@twopagans.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Spirit of Darkness has a surprise for you!
Magickal flowers colored orange and pink and white all through!
These flowers hold wishes and spirit.
All you need do is put your nose near it!
Best of Luck and Faery Blessings!
Saturday, May 26th 2007 - 05:19:49 AM

Name: |
Tone |
E-mail address: |
tonusund@hotmail.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://toneuls.piczo.com |
Comments: Heisann
I dag har jeg tittet innom denne siden og riktig hatt det trivelig. En kjempeflott side. Kommer igjen en annen gang.
Tone |
Tuesday, March 20th 2007 - 02:59:15 PM

Tuesday, December 26th 2006 - 03:27:45 PM

Tuesday, November 21st 2006 - 01:21:36 AM

Name: |
Angel Shari |
E-mail address: |
sbrown_ca@yahoo.ca |
Homepage URL: |
http://loveandlightwings.com/ |
Comments: I had a lovely visit to your home on the internet and would like to invite you to visit "Wings of Love and Light", an online friendship group where you can meet people from all over the world and get to make lasting friendships. Our purpose is to bring people together in a safe and fun atmosphere, so I hope you will visit with us very soon!
Tuesday, October 3rd 2006 - 12:18:48 AM

Name: |
Spirit Twinkles |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/ |
Spirit Twinkles came dancin' on by...
She heard there was a party
and wanted to know why...
Then she saw your fantastic site!
And decided to party on down tonight.
With some jammin' grooves
and a funky beat
She's gotta leave now,
but left ya a treat!!
Wednesday, June 14th 2006 - 06:54:17 PM

Name: |
Spirit of Song |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes |
Comments: Spirit of Song came dancin' on by...
She heard there was a party
and wanted to know why...
Then she saw your fantastic site!
And decided to party on down tonight.
With some jammin' grooves
and a funky beat
She's gotta leave now,
but left ya a treat!!
Tuesday, June 13th 2006 - 09:25:18 PM

Name: |
Spirit Twinkles |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/ |
Spirit Twinkles came dancin' on by...
She heard there was a party
and wanted to know why...
Then she saw your fantastic site!
And decided to party on down tonight.
With some jammin' grooves
and a funky beat
She's gotta leave now,
but left ya a treat!!
Thursday, April 20th 2006 - 02:59:50 AM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@verizon.net |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Spirit of Darkness has dropped by
to spread some cheer before she flies.
She wishes you luck in these fights
And hopes your site does alright!
You've been dusted by a Mystickal Fae,
and now she's gonna party the night away......
Spirit of Darkness came dancin' on by...
She heard there was a party
and she knew why...
She saw your fantastic site!
And decided to party on down tonight.
With some jammin' grooves
and a funky beat
She's gotta leave now,
but left ya a treat!!
Wednesday, April 19th 2006 - 07:06:17 PM

Name: |
Wizard Welcomer Demonosia |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@verizon.net |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/wizards/index.html |
Comments: Welcome to Mystickal Realms and thank you for joining our family!!!
We want to let you know we are looking forward to seeing your site grow and rise in the ranks and hope that your time with us is an enjoyable one. Explore the Realm as there are many fun activities. If you have any questions feel free to email any one of us or your Team Leader.
Again, WELCOME and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
Saturday, April 1st 2006 - 07:23:16 AM

Name: |
Spirit of Darkness |
E-mail address: |
demonosia@verizon.net |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/index.html |
Spirit of Darkness has dropped by
to spread some cheer before she flies.She wishes you luck in these fights
and hopes your site does alright!You've been dusted by a Mystickal Fae,
but now she's gone on her way......
Saturday, April 1st 2006 - 07:20:51 AM

Name: |
Spirit Twinkles |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/mrfaes/ |
Spirit Twinkles Says:
The Mystickal Faes have been here
to dust your guest book with some cheer.
We wish you well in the fights,
but now must fly to another site!
Remember to cheer every day,
just like all of us Fae!
Saturday, April 1st 2006 - 06:02:50 AM

Name: |
Ranger Coco |
E-mail address: |
Kat@KatRadio9.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://twopagans.com/rangers/intro.html |
Greetings! My name is Ranger Coco and I must say you have done an outstanding job on your site! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here and I thank you for sharing it with me. Come join us, Mystickal Realms, and gain more site traffic, win some awards and have fun. I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our competition. I know you will really love it there, and we would love to have you!
Sunday, March 19th 2006 - 04:59:08 AM

Name: |
Regina |
E-mail address: |
reginajansen@planet.nl |
Homepage URL: |
http://www.reginadesign.nl |
Comments: Hi i want to inivite you friendly on my homepage where you find free and purchaseware websets and screensavers. Please take a look!
Have a wonderful day
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." |
Sunday, February 26th 2006 - 11:13:20 AM

Tuesday, October 26th 2004 - 03:24:52 AM

Name: |
Angel Elspethe |
E-mail address: |
elspethe2001@yahoo.com |
Homepage URL: |
http://angelelspethe.tripod.com/index.html |
Comments: After visiting your beautiful website, I would like to invite you to visit, and if you would like, to join our group. We would love to have you, and I know you will enjoy our group. (((HUGS))), Angel Elspethe |
Thursday, October 21st 2004 - 07:47:08 PM

Friday, October 15th 2004 - 07:13:49 AM

Tuesday, October 12th 2004 - 09:26:13 AM

Wednesday, July 21st 2004 - 09:00:43 PM
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