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Vad delar en Medlem?
Erfarenheter som hobbisar, trädgårdar, viktiga stunder och minnen.
En och annan grafik sitter inte heller fel.
Alla medlemmar är Artister och kan delta i Romeo & Julia.
All members are Artists and may take part of Romeo & Julia.
Romeo & Julia för artister och skapare!
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The Tree
When my door is shut and my lamp has gone out
and I sit in twilight's breathing wrapped,
then I feel around me move
branches, a tree's branches.
In my room where no one else lives
the tree spreads a shadow as soft as gauze.
It lives silent, it grows well,
it becomes what some unknown one thinks.
Some spirit-power, power secret made,
in the trees' hidden roots its will has laid.
I am frightened sometimes and ask in fear:
Are we so surely friends?
But it lives in calm and it grows still,
and I know not where it strives and whither it will.
It is sweet and bewitching to live so near
one whom one does not know.
Poem by Karin Boye