Kärlekens Cirkel
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Name: Runa
E-mail address: lovecircleredheart@gmail.com
Homepage URL: http://vetteljus.se/karleken
Dear visitor,

Please sign this book before leaving. But only if you have a personal and relevant message to me and my group - "Love Circle" in english. No matter how nice and wellmeaning all invites to other groups are they are futile, since I have only time for my own groups as it is. If you at the other hand wish to join this group and become one of my apprentices, that would be great. Just fill in the form and send it in!

Love, Runa (grand master over Kärlekens Cirkel)
Tuesday, May 8th 2012 - 12:04:11 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Lady Amanda George
Homepage URL: http://www.sugarsisters.net/
Comments: Dear Sister,
We all experience life's season and sometimes
we can not define our purpose.
At SUGAR we will walk along with you all seasons
and periods of your life; when there is love, warmth and joy as well as in any time of difficulty, sorrow or sickness, weather you are too tired or too busy.
We will encourage one another to live life at its fullest sharing our experiences, talents and abilities.
We will walk this journey together!
A mission to think about each other as sisters in
everything we do.


This is a special invitation to join S.U.G.A.R - Sisters Uniting Gals of All Races


Looking forward to see you with us.

Monday, November 14th 2011 - 03:19:21 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Angel Amanda
Homepage URL: http://www.heavensangels01.com/index2.html
Comments: Please consider joining us at Heaven's Angels! It's a wonderful community for men and women and I would love to have you join me there!


Monday, July 18th 2011 - 01:38:27 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Amanda George
Homepage URL: http://angelsofthegarden.org
Comments: Hello,

You have a lovely website and I’ve enjoyed my visit very much. I would also like to invite you to join a wonderful group called Angels Of The Garden. If you are interested in looking around just follow the link and if you like what you see and would like to join us please tell them that Amanda George sent you.

Thank You,


Monday, January 17th 2011 - 04:36:25 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Lady Amanda George
Homepage URL: http://www.sugarsisters.org
Comments: Dear Sister,
We all experience life's season and sometimes
we can not define our purpose.
At SUGAR we will walk along with you all seasons
and periods of your life; when there is love, warmth and joy as well as in any time of difficulty, sorrow or sickness, weather you are too tired or too busy.
We will encourage one another to live life at its fullest sharing our experiences, talents and abilities.
We will walk this journey together!
A mission to think about each other as sisters in
everything we do.


This is a special invitation to join S.U.G.A.R - Sisters Uniting Gals of All Races


Looking forward to see you with us.

Monday, November 22nd 2010 - 06:22:26 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: evelyne
E-mail address: evelyner@sympatico.ca

Reply: Thank you Evelyne. Hope you found a gift while visiting. Come back soon and join the Circle of Love. /LunaRuna - KC
Wednesday, September 2nd 2009 - 08:48:40 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Regina
E-mail address: regina.jansen@gmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.reginadesign.nl
Comments: Hello!
If you seek for a nice webset or gifts to share or a wonderful screensaver you are always welcome at:
Wishing you a good time
Hugs from Regina

Reply: Glad to see you visiting Regina. Come back any time and please join me in my Circle. /LunaRuna - KC
Tuesday, June 17th 2008 - 09:08:46 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Angel Marielle
E-mail address: mjglp@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://genteelangels.com
Comments: Love and Hugs,
Angel Marielle

Reply: Thanks for the invite Marielle. I'd also be very happy if you could join my Love Circle. /LunaRuna - KC
Monday, May 12th 2008 - 11:40:26 PM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Josie Hicks, Alabama, USA
E-mail address: josiehicks@hushmail.com
Comments: How is it going? You seem to know how to make a really good page. I like your page. It is a good one. Keep up the good work.

Entered: Sunday 04/16/2006 11:00:08pm
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:12:11 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Rut
Homepage URL: http:\\www.freewebs.com/rutishome/
Comments: lovely site you have here

Entered: Tuesday 02/07/2006 3:47:00pm
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:10:21 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Shadowdreamer
E-mail address: cemasi@online.no
Homepage URL: http://www.shadowdreamer7.com
Comments: Du er bare så flink...Nydelig grafikk og side. Måtte bare skrive noen ord. Masse klemmer fra Celina

Entered: Monday 02/06/2006 8:46:00pm
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:08:32 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Rita (Patsy)
E-mail address: butterflies@wosib.org
Homepage URL: http://www.wosib.org
Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your lovely
informative site and can see you created
a home full of love.

This is a most cordial invitation
To join a wonderful group.
The Women of Strength and Inner Beauty
Think you are strong beauty, too.
Women from all walks of life,
Coming together here online,
We think you'd make a wonderful addition.
Please, consider making a positive reply.
The sisters would be most happy
To have you and your lovely site
Come and be among us.
It would be to our delight.


Entered: Thursday 01/26/2006 11:37:49am
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:05:37 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: 2sweet
E-mail address: 2sweet@gardenoffriendship.org
Homepage URL: http://get-me.to/2sweetsplace
Comments: I so enjoyed my visit through your site. Please consider joining
the Garden of Friendship where friends gather and friendships
bloom, we'd love to see you there. Tell them 2sweet sent you.

Entered: Friday 01/20/2006 7:25:03pm
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:02:14 AM

Special guest of Kärlekens Cirkel

Name: Anki
E-mail address: annjen66@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.koolpages.com/ladyhawk1/
Comments: Thank you for sharing this homepage with me and giving me a chance to visit yours. Thank you for signing my guestbook. I really enjoyed my visit a lot.
Have a blessed day

Entered: Tuesday 08/03/2004 8:01:25am
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 11:00:49 AM

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