Please consider joining us at FWF... if you are over 18 years old and agree to the rules you will be accepted!
We sit and we type, and we stare at our screens
We all have to wonder, what this possibly means.
With our mouse we roam, through the rooms in a maze
Looking for something or someone, as we with in a daze.
We chat with each other, we type all our woes
Small groups we do form, and gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody, to type out our name.
We want recognition, but it is always the same.
We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes flirt.
In PM's we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.
We do form friendships - but - how, we don't know
But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow.
Why is it on screen that we can be so bold
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.
Why is it we share the thought in our mind
With those we can't see, as though we were blind.
The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell.
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.
We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must,
So we turn to the 'puter, and to those we can trust.
Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains
They are Friends Without Faces, and odd little names.
~author unknown~
Comment: Thanks Amanda for your beautiful invite. I don't do groups anymore since it always ends in tears.
In theory its a lovely idea though, but there is always someone disturbing the enjoyment in all groups that
just have to find fault in you and pick you apart and take anything you say the wrong way. So it ends that
I'm a devil and I'm out of the group faster then I can count my toes. Either it's cause I don't know english
too well - of course I know book english, school english, but not the spoken language too well - so I miss
what others hear or it's just that too many people at the moment are so stressed out that they are over
aggressive and in a need to blame all their problems on someone, anyone, that doesn't fit in or are sticking
out somehow. So I don't do american groups at all anymore. And I doubt I'd dare to do any europeans, if I'd
found one. There is too much possibilities to argue there as there is alot of languages to go around and not
many that knows english too well. LOL And swedes are too square for my liking - you have to conform or you
are out. Very harsh people we are - they are - I'm not that harsh. So thank you for inviting and hope you
looked around while here. If not, well, that's your loss. Hugs, Vetteljus