Living Under The Rainbow...

Det här är min Lyckeborg regnbåge sida för alla som tycker om regnbågar, fred på jorden och en levande landsbygd.

This is my Lyckeborg Rainbow site for all who likes rainbows, peace on earth and a living countryside.

Read Magnolia Lane Blog.

This Site:
| Home to Lyckeborg Rainbow |

My Group:
| Magnolia Lane | Graphics Boutique |

Magnolia Lane Webring

This webring is open for all family sites.

This ring welcomes all families.

Magnolia Stigen

En iRing webbring.




Romeo Och Julia Webring

This webring is open for all creative sites.

This ring welcomes all artists.

Romeo & Julia

En iRing webbring.




~ A Song of the Four Seasons ~

When Spring comes laughing by vale and hill,
By wind-flower walking and daffodil,
Sing stars of morning, sing morning skies,
Sing blue of speedwell, and my Love's eyes.

When comes the Summer, full-leaved and strong,
And gay birds gossip the orchard long,
Sing hid, sweet honey that no bee sips;
Sing red, red roses, and my Love's lips.

When Autumn scatters the leaves again,
And piled sheaves bury the broad-wheeled wain,
Sing flutes of harvest where men rejoice;
Sing rounds of reapers, and my Love's voice.

But when comes Winter with hail and storm,
And red fire roaring and ingle warm,
Sing first sad going of friends that part;
Then sing glad meeting, and my Love's heart.

Poem by Austin Dobson

~ Gifts For You ~

Click to see them all!

~ Don't Miss The Rainbow ~

Look beyond the sadness
To sky that's filled with light
A rainbow of heaven's beauty
Displayed in colors bright

No matter what the heartache
There is a place to see
Colors of a rainbow
Gives spirit harmony

To arch across the sky light
In such a perfect blend
In awe of inspiration
That gives us time to mend

Created in divine likeness
With softness you can glean
Heaven's masterpiece of beauty
To fill your broken dreams.

Poem by © Francine Pucillo

~ Valentine Song ~

Dearest, let these roses In their purity,
Be a present symbol Of my love for thee.

Underneath the blossom Thorns are sure to grow;
Take heed lest you touch them, They would pain you so!

Ah! my faults like thorns are, But cannot they be
Hidden 'neath the flower Of my love for thee?

Poem by Robert Argyle Campbell

This is the gift I recieved on my birthday from Magnolia Angel.

Rainbow Guestbook: READ - SIGN

I adopted my rainbow goddess at DHF

Rainbows Over Our Lyckeborg

Rainbows Over Our Lyckeborg

Webdesign © Vetteljus.
(Flower background not made by me.)
Art is a collage - Landscape © Björn Gidberg.