Gardening Angel


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Tutorial written April 12, 2005.


72. Switch the orange so that it is your background color.
Preset Shapes set to Ellipse, other settings like we've used before.

73. Draw out a small Oval just above the line you drew....

74. Click on the Pen Tool and edit the nodes like so....

Convert to Raster rename as Sun.

75. Back to our line drawing now! *L*
Add a New Raster Layer naming it Sun Rays.
Use the Pen Tool to draw rays of sunshine coming off the sun...

76. Set your background color to the color of your hat, mine is #D8DE94

77. Preset Shapes set to these settings...

That's Heart 1 preset, if you don't have it you can use a flower, star, moon or something else.

78. Draw out a heart in the center of your Sun....

Convert to Raster and rename as Heart.

File, Save!

79. Make the Sun layer your active layer. Set your background to a pretty color that goes
with your dress. I've chosen to use #D3B6DA

80. Draw out an upside down heart to the left, under your Sun line....

81. Click on the Pen Tool and edit the heart nodes like so....

82. Convert to Raster. Copy and Paste as a New Selection. Mirror the selection and move
into position on the other side....

Rename this layer to Trim 1.

83. Go to Selections, Select All, Selections, Float. Selections, Invert.
Apply a Drop Shadow using these settings, color is #834991

84. Make your Sun layer your active layer. Preset Shapes same as above. Draw out another
Heart shape below the first left one. Use the Pen Tool to edit the nodes into something
like this....

85. Convert to Raster. Copy and paste as a new Layer this time. Move the shape
to the other side. We only need half of the heart. Use the selection tool to remove
the left half....

86. Go to Layers, View, None, In the Layer Palette click on the eye beside those two layers
you just made. Go to Layers, Merge, Visible, rename as Trim 2.

87. Go to Selections, Select All, Selections, Float. Selections, Invert. Apply the same Drop
Shadow settings as before.
Go to Layers, View, None. In the Layer Palette click on the eye beside Trim 1 and Trim 2
to make the visible. Go to Layers, Merge, Visible. Back to Layers, View, All. Rename this
layer to Trim.

File, Save!

88. Set your background color to the hat color #D8DE94. Preset Shapes set to Rectangle,
other settings same as we've been using.

89. The pockets on her dress are next.
Draw out a small rectangle about midway her dress and to the left....

90. Click on the Pen Tool. Change the node type on the bottom left node to Curve Before. Pull
the handle down and towards the center a little to round off the bottom....

91. Change the top left node to Curve After. Pull down on the handle a little on it....

Convert to Raster, rename as pocket1.

92. Preset Shapes, same as above. On the right side, draw out another rectangle.
Change the bottom right node to Curve After and move the handle down and in a little...

93. Change the top right node to Curve Before, move the handle down a little...

Convert to Raster, rename as pocket 2.

94. Preset Shapes, same as above. Draw out another rectangle in the center of the other two.
Change the bottom left node to Curve Before, change the bottom right node to Curve After.
Use the handles to round the bottom. Change the top left node to Curve After and the top right
node to Curve Before. Use the handles to make a dip in the pocket...

Convert to Raster, rename as pocket 3.

File, Save!

95. Let's make her gloves. Background color set to the same as the pockets.
Preset Shapes set to Ellipse.

96. Below her left sleeve draw out a small oval. Click on the Pen Tool. Add a node on both sides
of the top existing node, change the type to Cusp. Pull those nodes up to square off the top....

97. Add a node between the left top node and the center node, change the type to Cusp.
Bring this node up a little, move the middle node down a little.....

98. Add a node between the top left node and the side node. Move this node in, move the
right node that is the active node in the above screenshot, in....

99. Add 3 more nodes between the above active node and the bottom middle node. Change the
type to Cusp. Move them so that you have something like this....

100. Add 3 more nodes changing the type to Cusp to form the knuckles of the hand...

Convert to Raster, rename as left glove. Move this layer so that it is above the left sleeve
layer. Duplicate and Mirror this layer, rename to right glove. Move into position above
right sleeve layer.

File, Save!

101. Make your bottom layer your active layer. We will make the stockings next. Background
color set to glove color. Preset Shapes set to Rectangle.

102. Draw out a small rectangle. Click on the Pen Tool. Add a New node on the left side. Change
the type to Cusp. Pull the node in and pull the handles so that you create two rounded humps....

103. Change the top right node to Curve After. Pull in on the handle to make a curve to the back
of the socking. Add one node in the middle of the two bottom nodes. Pull this node down to make
a point. Note.. this area doesn't matter really, we just want it long enough so that it will be
covered by our shoe....

Convert to Raster, rename as left stocking. Duplicate and Mirror this layer,
rename as right stocking.
Move into position....

104. Change your background color to the color used for the sleeves #FFB573

Preset Shapes set to Ellipse. We will make the shoe!

105. Add nodes as need, changing to Cusp. Shape into something like this....

Convert to Raster, rename as left shoe.

105. Set your background color a couple of shades darker than the shoe color #F5AD73
Preset Shapes set to rectangle. Make your right stocking layer your active layer.

106. Draw out a small rectangle at the bottom of your shoe just before the heel area. Click
on the Pen Tool and move the bottom left node up to make the underside of the heel....

Convert to Raster. Go to Layers, View, None. On the Layer Palette click on the shoe layer
and the layer you just made to make them both visible. Merge these two layers visible renaming
to Right Shoe.

File, Save!

107. Make all layers visible again. Duplicate and Mirror the right shoe layer, rename to left shoe.
Move into position....

108. This is our basic angel. We will vector the rest later but next let's add some cutouts to what
we have so we can merge some of these layers.

Before we continue, I do recommend that you save a copy of your angel in layers. Just Duplicate
your window, Save the original and close it, then name the duplicated window to a different name
and save it.

109. Let's start with our Head layer. Make it your active layer. Go to Selections, Select All,
Selections, Float. Add a new Raster layer.

110. Set your foreground color to the pink we used on her lips #FFC0C0
Click on your Airbrush Tool, from the drop down menu choose this.....

111. Lower the size on this brush to 18. Zoom in on the cheek area. Spray in a circular motion on
both cheeks and maybe a little on the chin area too....

Go to Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur and set to a radius of 2. 

File, Save!

112. Go to Layers, View, None. In the Layer Palette make the head and the layer you
just finished visible. Also make the eyes, brows, nose and lips visible. Merge these
layers Visible, rename as Face.

Go to Layers, View, All.

113. Go to Selections, Select All, Selections, Float. Apply a cutout using these settings....
Shadow Color should be #CEA284

Select None.

114. Let's add a cutout to the 3 hair layers. Select each hair layer as you did the face layer
above. Apply a cutout using the same settings above except change the shadow color to #754C31

Select None.

115. Go to Layers, View, None. On the layer palette click on the eye beside your 3 hair
layers. Merge these 3 layers Visible, rename to Hair.
Make all layers visible again.

116. Make active one of the layers of her bow. Apply a cutout using the same settings
as above except change the color to #FC892C. Do this to each of the other layers of
the bow.....

Select none.

File, Save!

117. Close all layers, then open the 7 bow layers and merge them visible renaming to Bow.
Make all layers visible again.

118. Select your arms, apply the same cutout as for the bow.

119. Apply the same cutout to your Sun and to both shoe layers....

120. Make your dress your active layer, select it and apply the cutout to it using
#E6C972 as the shadow color.

121. Apply the same cutout using the shadow color for your dress to each of the
pocket layers. Close all the layers except the 3 pocket layers, merge them visible.
Rename as Pockets.

122. Apply the Cutout to the Heart layer also.

123. Make only your Check layers visible for the top and bottom of the dress.
Merge these layers visible, rename to Checks.

File, Save!

124. Apply a Drop Shadow  to your Checks layer using these settings....
Color set to #CEA284

This is what you should have now...

125. Make active your Hat Top. Select it and apply a cutout using these settings....
Shadow Color #DDB23D

126. Make active your Hat Brim, select it and apply the same cutout.

127. Select and apply the same Cutout to the two glove layers.

File, Save!

128. Then to the two stocking layers.....


Okay, we've done all the shading we can do for now. Let's add some detail.

File, Save!

129. Make active your Pocket layer. Add a New Raster layer. Set your background
Color to the orange #FFB573. Click on the Text Tool (The A) Set your font to one you
like, I using Comic Sans MS, if you use it too, set the size to 12.

130. Click on your left pocket and type Sun. Select None. Click on your Deformation Tool
and rotate the Sun to better match the angle on the pocket....

131. Preset Shapes set to Sun 3, other settings same as we've used in this tut. Draw out a
small Sun on your pocket. Convert to Raster....

Note... if you don't have the Sun 3 preset shape you can make your own Sun by, first using
the Ellipse to draw a circle, then use the triangle to make the points around the circle.

132. Add a new Raster Layer. Click the Text Tool and type Rain on the right pocket....

Use the Deformation Tool to rotate to fit the angle of the pocket.

133. Preset Shapes set to Tear Drop. Draw out a small tear drop to be a rain drop.
Convert to Raster, copy and paste as new selection.....

134. Set your background color to the purple we used for the Trim #D3B6DA
Add a New Raster Layer. Click on the Text Tool and type TLC (Tender Loving Care).
Select None, use the Deformation Tool to rotate if needed.

135. Preset Shapes set to the heart shape you used on the dress. Draw out a small heart.
Convert to Raster.

136. Hide all your layers except the Pocket layer, 3 text layers and the 3 layers you
made your vectors on. Merge these layers Visible and rename as Pocket.

File, Save!

137. Preset Shapes set to Flower 2. With your background still set to the purple,
draw out a tiny flower on the bottom of her dress just above the bottom checks.
Convert to Raster, copy and paste as a new selection twice, placing them something
like what is in the screenshot below....

138. Change the background color to the orange #FFB573
Preset Shapes, same flower. Draw out another small flower, convert to raster, copy
and paste as new selection....

139. Hide all layers except those 2 and merge them visible. Rename as flowers.

140. Make your Dress Layer your active layer. Either vector or add a new raster
layer, place some things inside of her pockets.
I used simple vector shapes to make a couple packets of seed for one pocket, a
pair of Scissors for the middle pocket and a small shovel for the last pocket.
Do your own thing here, make whatever you want or you may have some tubes you
could add....

File, Save!

141. You can make active your Hat Top layer and add some flowers to her hat or a ribbon
to act as her halo if you'd like.

That's it, you're finished with your angel, she's all ready to go do some gardening! You can
merge the layers visible, tube her or whatever you'd like. I always like to save a copy in
psp format unmerged so that I can change the colors or anything else I might like to do

If you'd like, you can also do my tutorials for making her Basket and Watering Can that
fits in her hands!

Until next time, God Bless!


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Tutorial written April, 2005
© Copyright 2005 Designs By Astro
All rights reserved.