
Tubes and Twinkles

Step 1

When I started learning about Paint Shop Pro, I heard people talk about "tubes" and I really didn't know what they were.  Tubes are a function of Paint Shop Pro that allows you to use any image like a rubber stamp.  The image file extension is .tub and is done on a transparent background.  One of the problems that I had with the tube tool was that if a tube was created in a prior version of PSP, it would not work in version 7.  Very frustrating, after you have downloaded a ton of stuff, upload it into the tubes file, and then they don't work.  I have learned that if you have an image that was saved as a tub, you can bring it up in PSP, duplicate it so that it is a psp image, and then go to "export" and "export as tube" and it will put the image into the tube files in Paint Shop Pro, AND THEY WORK!!!  Maybe no one else in the world has this problem, but if you do, try this little hint, and see if it works for you.  (It works like a charm...)

Now for this lesson, you will need the VM Natural Sparkle Plug in and the My Angel Tube in which you can DOWNLOAD NOW.

The Angel Tube you can get HERE.  After you unzip the tube, put it in the "tube" folder in PSP, and put the plug in in the "Plug In" folder.  If you have version 7, the tube extension is .tub, and if you have version 8 or 9, it is named .pspimage.

Open a new image in Paint Shop Pro, 200 by 200, background is "white", 16 million colors.

New Image

Set the foreground color to #D7C1D7 and flood fill the background image.

flood fill

Now go to your picture tube tool, and browse through the tubes until you find the My Angel6 tube.  Click your mouse on the image, and try to center it.  If you are not happy with the position of the tube, click on the undo button and do it again.  You can adjust the size of your tube by adjusting the scale.  But for this tutorial, the scale should be at the settings that you see below.

Add Picture Tube

Now, we are going to use the smudge tool to blend in the edges of the dress a little, and give your angel a ethereal look.  Use the settings here, and just touch up the edges of the dress.  Don't over do it...

blend edges


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