This is the photoalbum over my Motherhood,
which shows you my life the first decade of 2000.

Link To My Motherhood

My Motherhood
~I Am the Mountainy Singer~
I am the mountainy singer
The voice of the peasant's dream,
The cry of the wind on the wooded hill,
The leap of the fish in the stream.
Quiet and love I sing
The carn on the mountain crest,
The cailin in her lover's arms,
The child at its mother's breast.
Beauty and peace I sing
The fire on the open hearth,
The cailleach spinning at her wheel,
The plough in the broken earth.
Travail and pain I sing
The bride on the childing bed,
The dark man laboring at his rhymes,
The ewe in the lambing shed.
Sorrow and death I sing
The canker come on the corn,
The fisher lost in the mountain loch,
The cry at the mouth of morn.
No other life I sing,
For I am sprung of the stock
That broke the hilly land for bread,
And built the nest in the rock!
~by Joseph Campbell~
(Seosamh MacCathmhaoil)

Webdesign © Vetteljus.
Art © Nene Thomas.
All photographs © Vetteljus and may not be used.