This is my site The Angel's Peace Spell.

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The Angel's Peace Spell
~The Shield Maiden~
I dreamed about swords last night.
I dreamed about battle last night.
I dreamed I fought by your side
armoured and strong, last night.
Lightning flashed harsh from your hand,
and the giants fell at your feet.
Our ranks closed lightly and sang
in silent darkness' threat.
I dreamed about blood last night.
I dreamed about death last night.
I dreamed I fell by your side
with a mortal wound, last night.
You marked not at all that I fell.
Earnest was your mouth.
With steady hand the shield you held,
and went your way straight forth.
I dreamed about fire last night.
I dreamed about roses last night.
I dreamed my death was fair and good.
So did I dream last night.
~ by Karin Boye ~

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Art © Nene Thomas.
All photographs © Vetteljus and may not be used.