
Adoption from my Group...

Adoption to my Muse...
For my Muse since he keeps inspiring me to create
From Katia

Adoption to my Children...

To my Children since they keep putting colours to my life

Adoption to myself...

To myself so I will never forget that fantasies can be true
From Bosset

Adoption from Angel Teresa...

For me on my birthday from Angel Teresa
From Abstine

Adoption from Angel Susan...

From Angel Susan on my birthday
From Rainbow Universe

Adoption for all mothers...

For mothersday since it takes an angel to be a good mother
From Bosset

Adoption made to the rainbows...

To celebrate the day rainbows came with hope to my life.

From AOC

I adopted my dolls at DHF

Rainbows Over Our Lyckeborg

Webdesign © Vetteljus.
(Flower background not made by me.)