Angelicas Guests

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Name: Karin Nilsson
E-mail address:
Comments: Stora kramar på din födelsedag! Mycket vackert på dina sidor här!
Vi ses snart....
Mamma Karin
Friday, June 1st 2012 - 04:00:04 PM

Name: Leif Erlingsson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Grattis på 50-årsdagen! Och till att uppnå den just sommaren 2012! Jag har gjort vad jag kunnat för att medvetandegöra Zombisarna, med början mig själv! :)

Svar: Tack så mycket, Leif!
Friday, June 1st 2012 - 06:24:14 AM

Name: Angelica
Homepage URL:
Comments: Kära alla besökare till min drottningsida,
Efter att Ringsurf sabbade sina ringar för ett par år sen har inte min Your Angel ring varit sig lik. Därför har jag nu lagt ner den. Samtidigt har jag flyttat hela min ängel-sida till subdomänen Nu ligger min "The Queen's Angel Wish" sida på urlen

En annan skillnad, om än lite mindre, är att jag ändrat namnet Angelica's Wings till Angelicas Vingar, på svenska. Så det innebär att det blir mer svenska på sajten, och mindre engelska, även om det fortfarande mest är på engelska.

Jag har också flyttat hit två sidor från andra ställen: Smiles from Sweden med lite lyrik ifrån Sverige och vårféer, samt Tears from Heaven med dikter, astrologi och gamla foton. Sen har jag gjort ett nytt fotoalbum för åren 2010 och framåt, som jag kallat My Goldenyears.

Annars är det mest sig likt här. Adoptioner kommer förhoppningsvis att läggas till vad det lider, så den sidan är tom - änsålänge.

Vänligen, Angelica
Wednesday, March 10th 2010 - 03:37:53 PM

Name: Aud Irene
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http://
Comments: Hello my Friend!

Great Site,and beautiful design!!
Wish you a super week!

Love and hugs from

Reply: Happy to see you here Fairy Aya - just flying by, eh? Come back soon. /Queen Angelica

Tuesday, September 1st 2009 - 09:28:18 AM

(I have re-entered this guestbook entry as it suddenly vanished when I deleted a double of someone elses. Dreambook is messing with me - luckily I had the guestbook opened in a window to the left and could copy this entry!)

Sunday, February 28th 2010 - 03:12:26 PM

(I have re-entered this post so many times now... Seems that Dreambook really wish to delete my last guest. Naughty Dreambook - please let me keep Aud here!)
Sunday, February 28th 2010 - 03:40:27 PM

Name: Diana Lee
E-mail address:
Comments: Very good site.

Reply: Thank you, Diana. See you. /Queen Angelica

Tuesday, September 1st 2009 - 09:28:18 AM

(Again, this entry was deleted by Dreambook, when I was taking away other entries. I know I never marked to delete this one.)
Sunday, February 28th 2010 - 03:37:09 PM

Name: Dana
E-mail address:
Comments: A few months ago I met with an earth-angel, she told me my guardian angel's name was Angelica and that she had long glowing dark hair, I found this intriguing as we were to name our daughter Angelica, the greens my husband wore into delivery 20 years ago remarkably had the name tagged on "Angelica" on the cap, shirt, pants and cover shoes.... coincident? I think not....

Reply: Wonderful story Dana and you are right it's no coincidences. Angelica is a lovely name and if I had had a third daughter I'd plan to name her that. I only borrow it. /Queen Angelica

Sunday, January 4th 2009 - 07:26:45 PM

(Again, Dreambook keeps deleting more entries then I have asked to be deleted.)
Sunday, February 28th 2010 - 03:33:11 PM

Name: admirer from farland
Comments: wow!
your page is awesome. and great music on it too.
Sunday, January 4th 2009 - 07:26:45 PM

Name: Regina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Wish you a wonderful and healty and sparkling 2007!
Sunny Greetings from
Tuesday, January 2nd 2007 - 08:45:07 AM

Name: John
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http://ALLMYANGELS.COM
Comments: I fell upon your website, I think we should talk, I own the domains name &, I'm currently working on a website that is a lot like your's,(very nice) I would like to know what you long term goals are with your website, would you like to sell this website?

Please note,I'm not just a buyer, I could be a partner as well, I see great potential!!


Answer: Thank you John, for your interest. But my site is not for sale. Although 1.000.000 dollars or so would be nice! ;-)
Greetings, Queen Angelica
Thursday, December 28th 2006 - 12:52:28 PM

Name: Cathy
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Awesome Site! I really enjoyed my visit very much.

I'd like to invite you to join our online community. Genteel Angels.
it is the most caring compassionate group of men and women on the
internet. This is where friendships flourish and continue to grow throughout
the years. You'll make a wonderful addition to our group. Please
follow me to Genteel Angels, at I hope
to see you there. Thank you and have a nice day

Love & Hugs
Tuesday, October 10th 2006 - 04:06:06 PM

Name: Regina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Really love your homepage!
maybe you want to visit my new one:

Wish you the very best of 2006
Saturday, December 24th 2005 - 02:05:18 PM

Name: Angel of Hope
Homepage URL:
Friday, December 16th 2005 - 09:44:18 AM

Name: Abilene
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Your angels look wonderful! I blessful, beautiful site to look at! Keep up the great work and hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Thursday, December 15th 2005 - 04:38:03 AM

Name: Lady Elizabeth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: just dropping to wish you a beautiful day.

Reply to this in 2010: Well, thank you Elizabeth. I see you wrote here to me back in 2005 and this is what you sent to me now just before the strike of twelve at New Years Eve here in Sweden:

----- Original Message -----
From: Elizabeth Denson
To: Faery
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009
4:23 PM
Subject: it's elizabeth

it's come to my attention that you have my e mail address on your website, and that you are slandering best pals, whatever I said to you was between you and I, if you have anything at all on your site that pertains to me I want it off.

Continued reply by me in 2010: So... as my guestbooks are the only place I find your mail in could you please get back to me and explain what you wish me to do? Do you want me to delete ALL your guestbook entries?

Also you could have answered my question about WHO claimed this. I thought it was Betty, as her reply to my New Year wish was to ask for my webpage, but didn't get back with any comments on it. But she has now told me she has NO contact with that Best Pals PSP-group, which she left BEFORE me back in 2006. So if that is so, she might also have been disappointed in some way with the attitudes in there.

I left Best Pals PSP back in 2006 mostly cause someone - behind my back - went to the leader "Angel" Norma and complained about my graphics. And Norma jumped on the bully-train and wrote to me I had to behave better. I remember I had really really overdone myself on that graphic, and I was so hoping she had something nice to say and then she only bashed me for my hard work. I still remember how disappointed and hurt I was with Norma's way of putting my work down. So I left.

Now she did EXACTLY the same thing AGAIN. "Angel" Malena complained my vector graphics had the second suggested sky colour and Norma expelled me. I don't think the sky is the most important thing in a vector graphic, and I did everything else more correct then any other member. I also said I could redo the sky. But that offer was never forwarded to Norma, of course.

So again, the only respons after sitting up until 4 AM on Monday morning, and having to go up by 6.30, was a more angry Norma. And I only did it to make Norma happy as she was having a BIG surgery and staying over night at hospital. As she was so ill I never told her my dear godmother just had died, as I thought her troubles was far greater then mine.

Then I realized she didn't have any big operation, and she didn't stay over night, and my troubles was not less then hers, she only decided to ignore mine and make me pitty her. And then ignore my hard efforts on a graphic again.

I was almost HAPPY when Norma throw me out as I now finally know I did the right thing leaving back in 2006. If I hadn't left when I did back then, Norma only would had treated me worse and worse and then expelled me anyways for my big honest mouth. =D

About me shutting up on your story I feel you should scream it out from mountain-tops and not sit in a corner feeling ashamed, like you seem to do now. You are just as an important person as anyone else is and your stories are as important as any other persons story on this planet. You tell me to not tell your story, but I never have. To say that I know of atleast ONE other person the same thing had happened to as what happened to me in that group it NOT telling your story. It's telling MY story. But as you made that accusation I now feel in my right to do tell your story. Your story must be told, but I still hope you will come out and tell it yourself and laugh at it in the end without any pain left - only humour.

And do you really think I deserve this as the only respons from you on my beautiful vector Amaryllis I had drawn and sent to you as a New Years greeting? That hurt abit. I only sent it to a few persons I wanted to feel good about themselves.

Stop feeding the negative emotions Elizabeth. Shase them out, stop attacking people like me who are defending you and only sending you love. You are hurting yourself when acting like that.

All best this new year, as I said before, and start loving more. /Queen Angelica
Wednesday, November 9th 2005 - 07:51:10 PM

Name: Lorie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello, I am Lorie, and I've come to welcome you to sisters With Heart.
I hope you like it here as much as I do, it is a very nice friendly group of ladies from all over the world. We are happy to have you here.
Tuesday, October 12th 2004 - 02:49:17 PM

Name: Peter
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi
Congratulations you have a very entertaining and beautiful site.
You have great designs on your site!
The colors are attractive and you have great pictures.
Welcome to visit my Site and sign my guest book
regards from
Friday, October 8th 2004 - 12:54:27 PM

Name: Karen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You have a wonderful site, it's been great visiting with you. Your design and layout is so beautiful! Have an excellent day!

Wednesday, October 6th 2004 - 09:11:16 PM

Name: moonie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: what a beautiful home you have here! thank you for signing my guestbook and allowing me to visit your home..
i will be back to visit agin soon...
god bless
Tuesday, August 3rd 2004 - 06:36:02 PM

Name: Anki
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Thank you for visiting my homepage and signing my guestbook. And giving me a chance to visit yours. I enjoyed my visit :o)
Have a blessed day
Tuesday, August 3rd 2004 - 07:40:28 AM

Name: Angel Cally
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 29th 2004 - 07:19:19 AM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary! Hope your day is filled with joy.
Saturday, May 29th 2004 - 06:12:48 AM

Name: Joyce
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary Angel! I hope you had a wonderful day together and many more years to come.


Saturday, May 29th 2004 - 12:41:02 AM

Name: Angel Elspethe
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary, and I wish you many more years of love and happiness. (((HUGS))), Angel Elspethe
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 11:08:54 PM

Name: Angel Celeste
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: A wish for the brightest happiness to fill your home and hearts on this very special day and always.
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 10:51:58 PM

Name: Angel Cheryl
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I Hope you have a Wonderful day Filled with lots of Sunshine & Love, with many more years to come!!

BIG Angel Hugs & Love..Angel Cheryl
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 07:08:51 PM

Name: Birgitta
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary !
Wishing you two many more years
of love and happiness.
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 02:09:59 PM

Name: Becky
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hope you have a wonderful anniversary filled with lots of love and happiness...Angel hugs, Becky
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 01:18:01 PM

Name: Silvia
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Came by to wish you a happy Anniversary. Mya your day be special
Hugs and Love
Angel Silvia
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 08:06:12 AM

Name: Angel Erianne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary hope you have many more happy years together.

Love and Hugz

Angel Erianne
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 04:55:23 AM

Name: Sky Angel
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Destiny Awaits You

I saw him standing there he had taken my breath
away, I was so happy to see him. I did not know
what to say. I had taken him into my arms and
held him close to me, I had found my paradise, my
lifelong awaiting destiny.

The look I saw upon his face was a look so full
of love, it's like my prayers had been answered
by Heaven above. I never thought I'd meet someone
so special in every way, But every time I think of
him I love him more every day.

I wish that he was here right now to be here by my
side. Whereas, I could express to him this love I
can't hide. We're so close, I can hear your thoughts
inside my head. Our Destiny awaits as our souls
being half mine, we make our amends
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 03:37:38 AM

Name: Tarnished Angel
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy anniversary greetings. Wishing you both a wonderful and blessed day with many more to come over the years. God bless.
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 03:07:07 AM

Name: LauraAnn
Homepage URL:
Comments: Happy Anniversary! May you have many more wonderful years together!!
Friday, May 28th 2004 - 02:21:18 AM

Name: Paulette
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Angel Sister, Such a lovely day to stroll through your site and visit
a bit. You have a lovely site and I enjoyed my visit. Have a great weekend
and a greater week ahead. Hugs, AsstArchAngel Paulette
Saturday, April 17th 2004 - 07:19:50 PM

Name: Laura Ann
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi hon! Just stopping by on a little social call to tell you how much you are appreciated at Angels of Compassion and how blessed we are to have you as a member!!
Saturday, April 17th 2004 - 04:32:15 PM

Name: archangel bonnie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Wishing you a Wonderful, Blessed Easter*
Saturday, April 3rd 2004 - 10:49:21 PM

Name: Susan
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I enjoyed my visit to your home, and I will return again very soon.
Please come over and visit my home and apply for one of my awards while you are there.
May God Bless You Always!
Saturday, February 28th 2004 - 05:54:08 AM

Name: Angel Smile
Homepage URL:
My dear angel!
I am visiting your site on behalf of the Angels of Compassion Social Committee!
And would love to tell you how much you are appreciated for being the part of this wonderful group!
Love and Hugs,
Marina aka ~*Angel Smile*~
Monday, January 19th 2004 - 04:22:41 AM

Name: Angel Koala
Homepage URL:
Comments: Angel Ingis,
Thanks so much for sharing of yourself with Angels of Compassion. It had been a while since I visited your web home and it was with great pleasure that I visited again this evening! Wishing you all the best for 2004! Continued success with your web site!
Angel Koala
Thursday, January 15th 2004 - 03:01:21 AM

Name: Paulette
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Angel Ingis, You have such a lovely site. I love the ideas of having *rings*. Just like an Angels Halo. I will be back when I have more time. It is always a breath a fresh air when you get to visit a Country through a person's website. No jetlag for sure. AOC really appreciates all you do for them and I hope to get to know you better as time goes on. Angel hugz, Paulette
Wednesday, January 14th 2004 - 08:29:49 PM

Name: LauraAnn
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi hon! Just stopping by on a little stroll to tell you how much you are appreciated at Angels of Compassion and how blessed we are to have you as a member!!
Wednesday, January 14th 2004 - 03:08:44 PM

Name: Mama Merri
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I would like to invite you to join a group that I enjoy very much called the Sisters of the Soul. It's an internet group dedicated to bringing women from all over the world together to share thoughts, feelings, stories, ideas, and to create lasting friendships. We are also one of the very few, if not the only, to welcome our little sisters who are able to join separate, strictly moderated rooms, thereby being introduced to the internet and e-groups in a safe, loving and protective environment.

We have many ladies with us that are active in other groups, and we have taken the time to share our experiences with each other and use them to create what we feel to be a very loving sisterhood. I would like so much to have you join us, as you seem to be a wonderful person. Feel free to stop by and pay us a visit and even apply We would LOVE to have you Go here or click on the graphic below.
Thursday, January 8th 2004 - 04:12:43 PM

Name: Jeni
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Care, love and forgiveness - three of the greatest gifts we can give one another, yet always the last it seems. Sad, isn't it. well, you sound like a wondeful person and I sincerely enjoyed visiting your web site - it's beautiful.
Saturday, November 1st 2003 - 07:27:53 PM

Name: Jackie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You have a beautiful web site!
Saturday, November 1st 2003 - 03:34:03 AM

Name: Beate
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hallo. My name is Beate. I’m from Berlin in Germany. I found your wonderful and beautiful website about the Webring. Nice to meet you on your page. I wish you happiness and fortune.
This is my first website.
My second website is for my pupils. You can read a lot of texts in English.
Greetings from Berlin
Thursday, October 30th 2003 - 09:17:53 AM

Name: LenaMarie
Homepage URL: http://www.umea,com/dreamer
Comments: Kan bara säga vilken helt fantastisk hemsida du har.
Sedan vill jag säga vad glad jag är för att fått lära känna en så genomsnäll och omtänksam person.
Sköt om dig käre vän.
Tuesday, October 21st 2003 - 07:00:52 PM

Name: Antoinette
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello Ingis, thank you for welcoming me to Traveling Women! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :)
I've enjoyed my visit to your site and will be back, as there is so much to read and see. Thanks for sharing!

Sunday, October 19th 2003 - 01:20:02 AM

Name: Jan
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You are a very pretty lady, Ingis! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to visit with you a while.
Saturday, September 27th 2003 - 01:51:06 PM

Name: ~*~Louise~*~
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Ingis, just stopping by to say hello and tell you what a beautiful site you have!! I enjoyed looking at your pics of the family :-) I like your choice of music too. Thanks for the award for the True Hearts of Gold graphics committee. I have it up and linked now ;-)
Love 'n' Hugs, ~*~Louise~*~
Friday, September 12th 2003 - 11:32:52 PM

Name: Joanne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I had a great visit at your site. I loved reading your bio
the adoptions you have and all your webrings. The graphics are just awesome and thank you for sharing.

I would like to invite you to come and visit Ladies of the Silver Pearl.
We are women from all over the world and we share our experiences, thoughts, feelings, and ideas with each other and use them to create what we feel to be a very loving sisterhood.
Ladies of the Silver Pearl promote love, unity and sisterhood. We accept women of all walks fo life and WE do not discriminate against race, creed, religion, or sexual preference.
We would love to have you join us, as you seem to be a wonderful person. Your home would be an addition to ours.
Friday, September 5th 2003 - 05:56:58 AM

Name: SunSmill@
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Inges !! A warm welcome to you in Traveling Women Club ! I hope you will have some nice times with us :) .......... your pages are great !! i like your graphics.... Greetings and take care !
Monday, August 18th 2003 - 05:05:27 PM

Name: Carla Federica
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, Ingis and welcome to Traveling Women group. I am sure you will like this group.
I have enjoyed browsing around your beautiful site. Congratulations and best wishes

Luca & Carla Homepage - Images and words from Liguria, Italy
Sunday, August 17th 2003 - 08:21:08 PM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Traveling Women! Hope you enjoy your time with us.Love, Andrea Welcoming Committee Traveling Women Club
Sunday, August 17th 2003 - 06:02:26 AM

Name: ~*Angel Smile*~
Homepage URL:
My dear friend!
I would like to welcome you to the Traveling Women Club! We are so happy you decided to join us! Please, explore our site and drop a line to our ladies whenever you can! We are looking forward to get to know you!
Love and hugs,
~*Angel Smile*~
Saturday, August 16th 2003 - 06:28:28 PM

Name: Angelina
Homepage URL:
Wednesday, May 29th 2002 - 06:02:01 PM

Name: Angel Kim
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello and welcome to Simply Enchanting Angels!! I know you will love it here as I do and I hope to get to know you better :)
Wednesday, May 1st 2002 - 09:18:52 PM

Name: Angel HArmony
E-mail address:
Tuesday, April 30th 2002 - 05:48:58 PM

Name: Angel Kathi
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi! Welcome to SEA Im glad you joined us :)
Tuesday, April 30th 2002 - 02:07:16 PM

Name: Angel Twinklz - SEA Welcoming Committee
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to the Simply Enchanting Angels. I know you will find this the most amazing group of angels. I look forward to getting to know you!
Tuesday, April 30th 2002 - 04:26:17 AM

Name: Angel MysticViews
Comments: Hello to you our new member to SEAngels. Welcome to our Group of very caring Earth Angels...We are so happy to have you with us.. I do hope you will enjoy your stay with SEAngels.. there are many wonderful clouds full of fun and friendship.. so, hope to see you on one of them
Angel Blessings to YOU...
Angel MysticViews
Welcome committee
Simply Enchanting Angels
Tuesday, April 30th 2002 - 01:58:20 AM

Name: Val
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Charming presentation. Your site is delightful.
Friday, April 19th 2002 - 12:14:47 AM

Name: BeAngels
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Heavens Angels. I am so glad you joined us here. :-)
Thursday, April 11th 2002 - 04:24:04 AM

Name: Angel Mama Gin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: HI,

I wanted to drop by and WELCOME YOU to Heavens Angels. I look forward to getting to know you!!!

Angel Mama Gin
Thursday, April 11th 2002 - 03:12:33 AM

Name: Anita
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi Angel Ingis:
I am popping in from Heavens Angels to welcome you to our family. I am the LATE Angel LOl
Anyway, enjoy your time spent with us and get ready to make some wonderful friends.

Anita (Angel Of Hope)
Thursday, April 11th 2002 - 01:50:53 AM

Name: Angelann
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Heavens Angels,so glad to have you with us.
Wednesday, April 10th 2002 - 09:44:30 AM

Name: Angel StarzNSky
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I stopped by to welcome you to the SEarch for the Stars Cloud at Heavens Angels. I know you will love this cloud as much as I do. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
Wednesday, April 10th 2002 - 03:36:30 AM

E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just stopping by to welcome you to a wonderful group of Angels, here at Heavens Angels! We all look forward to getting to know you!
Wednesday, April 10th 2002 - 02:59:27 AM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome To Heaven's Angels! Hope you enjoy your time with us.

Wednesday, April 10th 2002 - 02:04:23 AM

Name: Donna Leslie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to the group you will love it here..
Random Acts of Kindness

Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 11:41:24 PM

Name: BeachComber
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Heavens Angels. It is a great group. Very active with wholesome, positive activities. I hope you enjoy and get involved.
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 10:32:49 PM

Name: Angel Vanilla Heart
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just shuffled overto welcome you to Heaven's Angels.

Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 05:39:32 PM

Name: Bholdr
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi ~ I came by to welcome you to Heaven's Angels. Glad to have you joining our little group!
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 05:35:14 PM

Name: Angel Heather Anne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I just wanted to visit you and take this time to welcome you to Heaven's Angels. So glad to have you with us. You have joined a wonderful group and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 04:28:01 PM

Name: Mommy2kyle
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hey, just wanted to drop in and welcome you to HA. Great to have you with us and I look forward to getting to know you. HAVE FUN!!
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 04:21:12 PM

Name: Nana Angel
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just wanted to drop by for a visit to your lovely site and also to say welcome to Heaven's Angels...Have a great day.
~HUGS~ Nana Angel
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 03:01:51 PM

Name: Angel Ande
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello. I am dropping in to welcome you to Heavens Angels.
I am sure you will love being with HA.
SO welcome !!!!!
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 02:45:31 PM

Name: Teresa Gantt Aka Angel Teresa
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello,and Welcome to Heavens Angels. This is one beautiful place with beautiful people.
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 12:57:50 PM

Name: Angel Els
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, Welcome to Heavens Angels...
Enjoy your time within this group.. Lots Of Love from Els.
Click Here For Your Escape From Reality
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 10:44:48 AM

Name: Cheryl / Angel of Mercy
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: HI..Angel Ingis~S~

On Behalf of the HA Acceptance Cloud I would like to Extend to You, "My Warmest Greetings" & "Welcome" to Heavens Angels. I Hope you will enjoy your stay among the Angels at HA. ~VBS~

Hope to get to know you better!

Love & BIG Angel Hugs...Angel of Mercy
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 09:55:38 AM

Name: Angel Kim
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: hello and welcome to Heavens Angels!! I know you will love it here as I do and I hope to get to know you better :)
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 07:05:03 AM

Name: AutumnFoxx
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello there. I'd like to welcome you to Heaven's Angels. This is a truly wonderful group of ladies and I just know you'll enjoy your time with us. I'd love for you to stop by and visit my little place on the world wide web sometime. Welcome again! Hugz!
Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 06:38:10 AM

Name: ~Angel Misty~
Comments: Hi there,
I just stopped by to welcome you to Heavens Angels. This is a great group, and I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have ;)

Tuesday, April 9th 2002 - 06:23:23 AM

Name: Angelina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You have a very beautiful site.
Wednesday, March 20th 2002 - 02:55:58 PM

Name: Angel Michelle (Sparkles)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just stopped in for a visit. You have a lovely homepage. I am so glad that you are a member of Angels Of Compassion.
Monday, March 4th 2002 - 11:57:37 PM

Name: Valentina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hey I liked your site, I still havnt looked through all of it yet, im still looking..
Love the song on the front page , and your little quote, I can relate to very much. = )

Thanks for sharing.

Monday, March 4th 2002 - 05:16:12 AM

Name: ANGELFAM-Lynda
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello welcome to Angels of Compassion,,hope you enoy,,our group,,left gifts for you at my aoc dedication site for ya,,
Also I've enjoyed my visit very much,,
Sunday, March 3rd 2002 - 06:51:02 PM

Name: Laura
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Angels of Compassion. We are so happy to have you join us! If you need anything just ask, we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. I'm sure your going to love being a part of this wonderful group of caring Angels :)
Warm Angel *hugs* for you!
Sunday, March 3rd 2002 - 12:38:26 PM

Name: Magpie
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: This is a very fine page. Too much to digest in one visit. I shall certainly return.


Sunday, March 3rd 2002 - 01:21:38 AM

Name: Donna
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Wishing you a warm welcome to a wonderful group of Angels...
Sunday, March 3rd 2002 - 12:46:53 AM

Name: Angela
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Angels Of Compassion,hope you enjoy the great time with us.
Saturday, March 2nd 2002 - 06:11:44 AM

Name: Angel Cally
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Angel's Of Compassion!
Saturday, March 2nd 2002 - 01:14:53 AM

Name: Andrea
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http://
Comments: Welcome to Angels of Compassion! Hope you enjoy your time with us.


Angels Of Compassion
Welcoming Committee
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 10:41:52 PM

Name: Shadows
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi
On behalf of Angels of Compassion and myself a warm welcome to our webring.
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 07:50:52 PM

Name: Jen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: On behalf of Angels of Compassion Welcoming committee
I wish to extend a warm welcome to our family.
You have joined an amazing group of men and women and
I hope you get as much out of them as I do.
You have a wonderful website, I enjoyed my visit
very much. If you ever need anything feel free
to ask anytime.

Many hugs
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 06:50:42 PM

Name: Angel Kim
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: hello and welcome to Angels Of Compassion!! I know you will love it here as I do and I hope to get to know you better :)

Friday, March 1st 2002 - 06:37:02 PM

Name: Angelina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Angels of Compassion. You have a very lovely website. Angel Blessings, Angelina
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 05:34:31 PM

Name: DreamerAngel
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hej du och Välkommen hit till AOC. Som Lottisen redan har sagt Det finns så mycket underbara människor här =)) Jag är glad att du har beslutat att bli en av oss =))
I wish you very Welcome amoungst us Angels here =))
I am glad that you have joined and that we from North are groowing*S* I am not from Sweden but from Finland but I have lived 12 years of my childhood in Sweden, Eskilstuna.
I am very glad and looking forward to meet you and know you =))
*Love & Hugges*
*Your DreamerAngel*
Ps I cordially invite you and all who reads this to popp in to my daughters Angelikas Birthdayparty online =)) I made a few pages to her as a gift =))
Hjärtligt Wälkommen *Smiles*

Don't forget the Gbook
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 05:25:46 PM

Name: Lady Kat
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Greetings! I just popped in to welcome you to Angels of Compassion. I just know you are going to love it here as much as I do!
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 04:44:18 PM

Name: Faith
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I would like to take this time to welcome you to AOC. We are so happy to have you as part of our group.
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 03:26:59 PM

Name: LadyLibra2U
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello and Welcome to Angels of Compassion! We are so happy to have you become a part of such a special group of ladies. I look forward to chatting with you soon! Take care and God Bless!
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 12:18:45 PM

Name: Angel Lottisen
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, just wanted to welcome you to Angels of Compassion! So glad to have you with us, you have a beautiful website and I enjoyed my visit! :)

Angelhugs from Angel Lottisen

Hej där! Vad kul att få vara din Angels of Compassion syster, det är en underbar grupp människor som jag precis lärt känna. Hjärtligt välkommen, kul att ännu en svenska har gått med i gruppen! Skickar med en liten välkomst gåva!

Kram från Lotta
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 12:14:56 PM

Name: Elaune
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello and Welcome to Angels of Compassion,It's so very nice to have you with us.May God Bless You and Keep You Safe ~Angel Elaine~
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 11:15:01 AM

Name: Mona
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Visit Angels of Compassion
Friday, March 1st 2002 - 04:24:41 AM

Name: Angel Heather Anne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I just wanted to visit you and take this time to welcome you to Angels of Compassion. You have joined a truly wonderful group of individuals. So glad to have you with us :)
Thursday, February 28th 2002 - 11:30:48 PM

Name: Everyday Angels
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I have enjoyed my visit to your beautiful online home. After spending some time here I would like to invite you to join my online community for friendship, Everyday Angels. I am sincerely striving to make this a wonderful group filled with serenity, kindness and caring for one another. I believe each of us is unique and can make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. I also believe online friends can be long lasting and just as beautiful as any other kind of friendship. Why not come look us over, there is a free gift for stopping in. If you feel comfortable with the group, it would be my honor if you would consider joining us. Thank you for reading my long winded message! :)
Thursday, February 28th 2002 - 09:39:51 PM

Name: Lady Elina
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: On behalf of the Management Team and the Angelic Artists, welcome to Angels of Compassion, we are delighted to have you with us. You have many wonderful brother and sister angels who are so looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you more. If you need assistance at anytime, don't hesitate to let me know, I'm never too far away. I truly enjoyed my visit here today, your home is lovely and thank you for your warm hospitality. Angel hugs, always...
Thursday, February 28th 2002 - 09:19:50 PM

Name: Angela/LadyIllusions
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You have a really wonderful site I have truly enjoyed the splendor and beauty of it all. Nice graphics and layout well put together:)
Friday, February 15th 2002 - 01:11:52 AM

Name: Anya
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: ... ~ WOW!!!

Greetings from Anya
Thursday, February 14th 2002 - 02:46:19 PM

E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: "Muchas gracias",es una de aquellas frases maravillosas, que las personas usan para expresar una gratitud especial... pero cuando brota desde el fondo del corazón, fruto de los más hermosos sentimientos,y los pensamientos especiales ,"muchas gracias" significa que el" Mundo" te importa,
y en verdad logras alegrar nuestro día, y realmente significas mucho para mí.,y para todos los demás. No nos abandones.Un abrazo. Katherinne.Realmente es preciosa,la página!!! MARAVILLOSA!!!
Saturday, January 12th 2002 - 08:19:23 AM

Name: Vera
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ingis thank you for letting me know about your Site. You have created such lovely graphics. Moreover, thank you for visiting my web pages and signing my Guest book. I hope you have a wonderful evening, and a very Happy New Year!
Vera :)
Friday, January 11th 2002 - 05:48:51 PM

Name: Angela/LadyIllusions
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: You have a really wonderful site I have truly enjoyed the splendor of it. I will be back:)
Saturday, December 15th 2001 - 09:55:27 PM

Name: minouch
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Thanks for sharing your nice cards with me
big kiss from Mino,and go on with yout greative work
Friday, December 14th 2001 - 11:23:58 PM

Name: John Murdock
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just a few lines to say hello and to let you know I enjoyed your beautiful web site very much. Keep up the great work, I will be coming back to visit with you often, and to check on new up dates you might post for us to enjoy.Till then take care, be safe, be happy, and keep smiling till we meet again on line.Highest Regards,Murdock,sends
Monday, December 10th 2001 - 12:21:20 AM

Name: Pärchen aus Bayern/Germany
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Ja Servus, ....Reschpekt, da hoast ja scho an ganz scheena Haufa Einträge.
Erscht amoil an herzlichen Glückwunsch zu der Seitn, die hod mia auf guad boarisch gsagt sauguat gfoin.
Ja mei, es san halt einfach so fuachboa vui Breissn im Netz, drum hob is dann doch amoi a boarische Seite ins Netz g´stellt,
...ned ganz, is a a bissl woas in Hochdeutsch dabei. weil so Krampf mit der Nei Deutschen Rechtschreibung, des kenn ma uns spoar´n ... und de Preuss´n ken no woas leana ...
Oisa auf geht´s ...
Wünsch no alls Guade und narrisch vui Leid auf dera Homepage.
Besuch uns do a amoi....ok...und bitte das Gästebuch nicht vergessen.
Grüsse aus Bayern, das Pärchen*

...a und a schens Weihnachtsfest und a guadn Rutsch wünsch ma a no ... falls ma uns nenoamoi vorher sehn :-)
Saturday, December 8th 2001 - 07:01:22 PM

Name: BWS Management Int
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I would like to let you know we have just visited your website. That was a great site,and we love it. We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Keep up the good work. Keep the country music going with all your heart. God bless.......
Saturday, December 8th 2001 - 01:07:12 AM

Name: Kathy
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Gateway..You have a very nice site...Merry Christmas:)
Friday, December 7th 2001 - 07:03:34 PM

Name: Laura
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Circle of Souls Empire! I am so honored to have been invited to attend your Reception Gala! What a lovely extravaganza in your honor, I really enjoyed my visit! Warmest welcomes on behalf of the Circle of Souls Empire :)
Friday, December 7th 2001 - 03:25:53 PM

Name: Diva ShaiMom
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello and welcome to the Divine Divas. I hope you enjoy being a part of this group as much as I do. When you get a chance please visit
Thursday, December 6th 2001 - 11:04:38 PM

Name: Marisha aka Lady Angel Smile
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
You have wonderful place here and I am so happy you have joined our friendship COSE group!
Our Empire is the great Land of Enchanting with Kind and Caring souls around. Join our email Group and explore our Colonies to know your new world better and if you have any questions I am always here for you :) !
Love and hugs,
Marisha aka Lady Angel Smile
Wednesday, December 5th 2001 - 08:07:08 AM

Name: Tin Lizzie (Unity)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Greetings New Spirit and Welcome to the Circle of Souls Empire. So glad to have you join our group and hope you will enjoy it. We are a bunch of friendly souls. *S* ((HUGS))
Tin Lizzie Unity Spirit & Soul Searcher Team Leader
Wednesday, December 5th 2001 - 04:01:03 AM

Name: George B
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome ~Ingis~ To Circle Of Souls. you have a beautiful site, enjoyed my visit & will return,
Soul George
Wednesday, December 5th 2001 - 01:34:59 AM

Name: Lady Limara Empress of Grace
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: hello Ingis and welcome to The Circle Of Souls Empire,i am looking forward to getting to know you and to working with you,i'm sure you will be very happy here.
Lady Limara
Empress of Grace
Wednesday, December 5th 2001 - 01:04:53 AM

Name: Sassymom
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I just wanted to come by and welcome you to Gateway To Friendship.I know you'll love this wonderful group.Hugs sassymom
Tuesday, December 4th 2001 - 11:33:35 PM

Name: Gidget (Glenda)
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Gateway to Friendship. You will find that this is going to be a wonderful group of people to be associated with. If there is anything I can do to assist you please do not hesitate to let me know.

God bless you,
Tuesday, December 4th 2001 - 08:14:55 PM

Name: ~Lady Serenity
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I wanted to pop by and welcome you to the Circle of Souls Empire :) I'm sure you will just love our little world and all the fun that we share here together! If you ever need anything or have any questions.. please feel free to call on me at anytime :) Once again, Welcome... and I hope you enjoy your new found home with us :)

~*In the Spirit of Peace and Harmony*~
~Lady Serenity

Monday, December 3rd 2001 - 07:15:10 PM

Name: Terrianne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello,
Pretty site.I like the images.I hope all is well with you.


Journey Your Soul Everyday!
Sunday, December 2nd 2001 - 02:57:32 PM

Name: Jolande
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi, I'd like to welcome you to Computer Friends webring, your site is great!!! I've enjoyed my visit very much. Hugs Jolande

Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 12:02:05 PM

Name: Aussiewendy
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hello Ingis,Welcome to Computer Friends.We are so glad you could join us.Love from Wendy
Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 10:28:47 AM

Name: Heather Anne
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Just wanted to welcome you to Computer Friends. So glad to have you with us. You have joined a wonderful group and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 07:05:33 AM

Name: Rose
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I've just dropped by to welcome you to Computer Friends.
I hope you'll enjoy being in the group as much as I do .
Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 05:36:21 AM

Name: Vicki
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Computer Friends!
We're so glad to have you with us!

Tuesday, November 27th 2001 - 05:14:07 AM

Name: Bobbi..{ Ladyhawk}
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I stopped by to extend a warm welcome to Between Two Lovers Webring. Your beautiful cards and lovely site are a welcome addition.
If you ever need any help..don't hesittate to ask any of us. You'll find this is a unique webring.. made up of not only people of "like" sites..but close and caring friends.
I'm glad you're one of us.
Sunday, November 25th 2001 - 01:29:54 PM

Name: Joe Matlock
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hi! Welcome to 'Between Two Lovers!' Unfortunately I don't have a greeting card. I'm too inept for html and therefore my website was made by 'Starshine'. Still, I'm glad you have such a neat place to find terrific cards!
Saturday, November 24th 2001 - 08:01:00 PM

Name: Lisa
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Between Two Lovers
We are very happy you have
decided to join us. You are a
wonderful addition to our webring :)
Saturday, November 24th 2001 - 03:04:49 PM

Name: Deborah Joyner
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Welcome to Between Two Lovers webring. I am so glad you joined us. We're a loving group of romantics who write or do graphics. We are unique in that we truly care about about each other. Our e-group keeps us in touch with each other and some of us meet in our chat room. This group has various committees which members participate in. We recognize members on birthdays, anniversaries and special occassions. We have started several new projects which you might be interested in joining. I'm leaving you a little gift from me and I'll make the announcement to my welcoming leader so she can really everyone to greet you! You have a truly lovely site and very passionate poetry. I am truly honored you joined us.
Sunday, November 18th 2001 - 02:23:27 AM

Name: Marit
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Hei Ingrid!

Koste meg på grafikksiden din. Håper du har lyst til å være med på topplisten min Nordiske grafikksider? Prøver å samle flest mulig som lager grafikk i norden slik at det blir lettere å hoppe fra side til side. :)

Ha en fortsatt fin høst!
Wednesday, October 31st 2001 - 08:53:11 AM

Name: Joe Matlock
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Wow, that was close! Thank goodness you were here. I was
bouncing through Cyberspace, when I made a right turn at
Circuit 6V6GT and had a massive electron emitter failure,
then dove in here for an emergency landing. Say, you don't
happen to have a 1450-MFD axial can-type capacitor I could
Tuesday, November 21st 2000 - 09:09:32 AM

Name: Douglas Duncan
E-mail address:
Comments: It is amazing or quite literaly very saddening that you a
very awe stricking gorgeous woman has given on your dreams.
Here recentley i to have lost out on my life with my now ex.
And like you i believed that i had no more dreams. But,
honestly after viewing your entire web site i reliazed that
perfect dream i was lookin for is you. But please dont let
that scare you or anyhting like that. I am a nice guy, and
dont want to scare people or anything of the such. I just
wanted to let you know how impressed i was with your page
and how taken i was with your beauty.
Tuesday, November 7th 2000 - 07:42:42 PM

Name: Inge S
E-mail address:
Comments: Hej Ingis!
Du är otroligt duktig i att göra websidor. Många kan göra
det, men dina är i särklass. Det blir så vackert för dig,
och du är så konstnärlig.
Hoppas ni får en underbar sommar. Hittills har det varit
jättefint, lagom varmt och lagom med regn.
Ha det så bra.
Mvh, Inge.
Friday, July 9th 1999 - 12:58:45 AM

Name: Peter graveleij 67
E-mail address:
Homepage URL: http:// har ej kommit igång
Comments: kommer tillbaks jag lovar
Wednesday, June 30th 1999 - 12:05:19 AM

Name: Tiege Gates
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I Love Some Of your Backgounds you are very good at what
you do. I used A few of them on my site. In my Gallery,
when they display the picture. I hope I did your rules
right if not E-mail me the details
Monday, June 21st 1999 - 08:15:54 PM

Name: Jannike Bertilsson
Homepage URL:
Comments: Underbara sidor! Du är jätteduktig!!!
Thursday, June 3rd 1999 - 09:10:55 PM

Name: Lotte
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: Du har en väldigt fin hemsida, blir lite avis... min kanske
blir lika fin så småningom..
Friday, April 23rd 1999 - 05:05:29 PM

Name: Brian Beswick
E-mail address:
Comments: You Have a great site here i will be sure to spead it
around. By the way ia am from the state of kentucky in the
united states. you are a great designer and i will send my
page address when i feel it is worthy.
Tuesday, February 23rd 1999 - 04:56:19 AM

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