Artwork ©Designs by Sandee

Corners from Designs by Sandee - Collection 1




Filters Unlimited 2 - Jeans


1. Open up your image and add a 2px border - select and fill with the silver pattern

2. Add a 1px black border

3. Add a 2px border - select and fill with the silver pattern

4. Add a 1px black border

5. Add a 5px border - select and fill with the silver pattern - keep selected and apply Screenworks - Chainlink at the default settings then while still selected apply the following Inner Bevel

6. Add a 1px black border

7. Add a 20px white border - select and fill with black - apply - jeans filter at the default settings then apply Filters Unlimited - Buttons and Frames - Glass Frame 1 - select none

8. Add a 5px border - select and fill with the silver pattern - apply Screenworks - Chainlink then apply the same Inner Bevel as in step 5

9. Add a 1px black border

10. Add a 30px border using #414141 - select and add a new layer - keep selected

11. Flood fill your new layer with black - Layers - Load/Save Mask - load mask from disk - find and apply Cris Taylor m32(1) using the following settings then Layers - delete - layers - merge flatten

12. Keep selected - apply Eye Candy 4000 - Glass using the following settings

Still selected - Adjust - Brightness/Contrast - Clarify 5

13. Selections - select all - selections - modify - contract 68 - Invert - Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Clarify 5

14. Select none

and your all done !

hope you enjoyed this one


Copyright ©Designs by Sandee  July 2006