Image or Tube

Filters Unlimited 2



1. Open up a graphic and resize to 650 x450px, you can also just open a new image that size, flood fill with a colour and add a tube if you like which is what I did using some of my artwork

2. Add a 2px border - select and fill with the cmv-gold pattern that was supplied

3. Keep selected and apply the following drop shadows (2 of them)

4. Add a 1px black border

5. Add a 3px border - select and fill with the cmv-gold pattern

6. Add a 1px black border

7. Pick two colours from your image, set one as the foreground colour and the other as your background colour - in your Materials Box click on gradients and choose the #1 foreground-background - for the purpose of this tutorial the colours I used were #f9b868 and #616628

8. Add a 40px border - select and fill with your foreground/background gradient - angle and repeats set on 0

9. Keep selected - add a new layer and flood fill with the cmv-gold pattern

10. Layers - load/save mask - load mask from disk - find and apply the sde_vines mask using the same settings as below

11. Still selected - layers - delete - layers - merge group - select none and apply the following drop shadow

12. Layers - merge visible

13. Selections - select all - selections - modify - contract 40 - selections - invert - apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames - Glass Frame 1 changing both the frame size and contrast to 40 - if the colours you chose were dark you may need to leave the contrast at the default setting

I felt my frame was still a little to light so if after applying the glass frame 1 your's is either to dark or to light do the following -

Adjust - Brightness & Contrast - Curves - I wanted mine a tad darker so you move the curve down for darker or up for lighter

 Select none and your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one


Another example this from one of my testers Rieru - thanks Rieru !


 ©Designs by Sandee July 2008