Another simple and easy tag I have put together.
Thanks to all the tubers of Totally Tubes for the
wonderful tubes I have acquired.

Paint Shop Pro
VM Distortion
Tube of your choice


1.  Open a new image 400 x 400 - transparent

2.  Open your tube and resize as necessary. 
Remember to sharpen if you resize.

3.  Copy the tube and place as a new layer on your transparent image.

4.  Effects - Plugins - VM Distortion - Radiator

5.  Lower the opacity on this layer - I lowered mine to about 70.

6.  Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Vertical - 2
Horizontal - 7
Opacity - 40
Blur - 2.5
Color - Black

7.  Copy the tube once again and place as a new layer

8.  Image - Resize - 85%  Resize All Layers  - unchecked
Arrange your tube as you would like to display it

9.  Add  a drop shadow as in Step 5

10.  Add a new layer

11.  Choose a colour from your tube and set as your background colour. 
 Set foreground to null

12.  Activate your text tool and add your text

I used the font Smilage, size 90, text floating, and antialias checked

13. Add a drop shadow to your text as in Step 5

14.  Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten)

Another quick and easy tag.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Here is another sample I have done.
I just played around with the controls on the Radiator Filter.



Tutorial© Marlie 2003