Visual Manipulation  
( you need to download the correct filter 
here )

FM Tile Tools



1. Open up a new image 650 x 500

2. Select and fill with #3C112F - select none

3. Add a new layer - select and fill with #614957

4. Keep selected - Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load mask from disk - find and apply - Mask 174 using the following settings

5. Layers - Delete - Layers - Merge all flatten

6. Add a 2px border using #614957

7. Add a 30px border using #3C112F

8. Using your wand select your last border and apply Visual Manipulation - Transmission at the default settings - still selected apply FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss

9. Select none

10. Copy and paste the tube of the man as a new layer onto your working image - position him top left on your middle frame - lower the opacity to 18

11. Copy and paste the tube of the eye as a new layer - position so that the iris of the eye sits in the second block top right of your middle section - lower the opacity of this layer to 6

12. Copy and paste the tube of the tall lady as a new layer - position so that she right beside the eye - lower the opacity to 62 then apply the following drop shadow

13. Copy and paste the tube of the smaller lady as a new layer - position left of the other lady

14. Copy and paste the text as a new layer - position so that the letters sit in the last 4 blocks on the right side - apply the following drop shadow

15. Copy and paste the element onto your working image - apply the same drop shadow as in step 14 then merge all flatten

Hope you enjoyed this one





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