Artwork by John White Alexander
1856 - 1915

Paint Shop Pro
Super Blade Pro
The corners, graphic, and pattern and VM Tools Dynamic Diffusion are all included in the zip file. 
 Place the VM Tools Dynamic Diffusion in your PSP Plugin Folder. 
 Restart PSP so it will show in your plugins.
Graphic of Choice - a long graphic is better with these corners but feel free to use the corners and graphic of your choice.
I have included a copy of the graphic in the zip file.

1.  Open your graphic - resize to a workable size. 
Remember to sharpen if you resize. 
 Effects - Sharpen - Sharpen.

2. Unzip the corners and the pattern and open them in PSP. 
 Minimize your corners until later. 
 Set your foreground to pattern and choose the supplied pattern. 
 You can colourize it to match your graphic. 
 Set your background to white.

3.  Add 3px border - select with magic wand.

4.  Effects - Plugins - Super Blade Pro - use the preset of your choice. 
I used nk-goldensilver from The Treasure Trove
 You can find this preset on page 23. 

5.  Selections - Invert.  Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout.
 Select none.

6.  Add 10px border - select with magic wand.

7.  Flood fill border with pattern. 
 Select none.

8.  Repeat Steps 3 - 5.

9.  Choose a colour from your graphic and set as background. 
 I used #78909C.

10.  Add 20px border - select with magic wand.

11.  Effects - Plugins - VM Tools - Dynamic Diffusion. 
Use the following settings:

12.  Select none.

13.  Set background back to white - select with magic wand.

14.  Repeat Steps 3 - 5.

15.  Add 30px border - select with magic wand.

16.  Flood fill with pattern. 
 Select none.

17.  Repeat Steps 3 - 5.

18.  Open your corner.psp - if you have used the same preset as I have there is one already made for you. 
If you didn't use the same preset, you can apply your preset to the blank corner provided.

18.  Copy and paste the corner as a new layer on the main image.
Place where I have on the image above.

19.  Layers - Duplicate.  Image - Mirror. 
You will have two corners on the top of your framed image.

20.  On your layer palette click on the glasses beside the background layer.
 This will turn the framed image off. 
Click on one of your corner layers. 
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible.

21.  Make sure you are on your merged layer. 
 It should show as blue on your layer palette. 
Layers - Duplicate. 
 Image - Flip. 
  All of the corners should be in their proper place. 
 On the layer palette, click on the glasses again to show the whole image.

22.  Layers - Merge - Merge All

Thanks for trying this tutorial and I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Tutorial © Marlie 2002