Another idle time creation and playing with the various filters.
I am not sure who the artist is on this picture. If anyone knows
please let me know so I can give proper credit.


Paint Shop Pro
Super Blade Pro
Neology Filters

1.  Open the graphic you are going to use, duplicate twice and close the original. 
Minimize one copy of the graphic.
 Resize the copy you are going to work on to a workable size.

2.  Add 2px border - select with magic wand.

2.  Effects - Plugins - Super Blade Pro - using a preset of your choice.
  I used a preset from The Treasure Trove - called amethyst chips which can be found on page 19.

3.  Selections - Invert. 
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout. 
 Apply cutout again, this time V & H -2.

4.  Add 15px border - select with magic wand.

5.  Choose a dark colour from your graphic, set as your foreground and flood fill the border. 
Select none.

6.  Repeat Steps 1 - 3.

7.  Set foreground styles palette to pattern - choose the graphic you minimized earlier.
  Set the pattern up as follows

8.  Add 20px border - select with magic wand.

9.  Flood fill border with pattern. 
 Effects - Blur - Gaussian Blur  -  Radius 15.00. 
Keep selected.

10.  Effects - Plugins - Neology - Polar Waves

11.  Repeat Steps 1 - 3.

12.  Add 25px border - select with magic wand. 
 Set the foreground styles palette back to colour and flood fill the border.

13.  Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass. 
 Select none.

14.  Repeat Steps 1 - 3.

Now is the time to add your corners if you wish to.
You can use the corner I supplied or any you fancy. 
I applied the same Super Blade Pro preset that I used on the frame.
Here is another example I have created.

Artwork by Marc Barrie

Tutorial © Marlie 2002