Xero Filters

Filters Unlimited 2 


1. Open up the image supplied or use one of your own, try to choose something really colourful

2. Duplicate your image and minimise one of them for now

3. Apply Xero filters - Porcelain

4. Add a 1px black border

5. Select none

6. Add a 20px white border - select the border - open up your duplicate image - Edit - Copy then back to our working image - Edit - Paste into selection

7. Still selected - Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 5

8. Keep selected and apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames - Glass Frame 2

9. Select none

10. Add a 2px black border

11. Add a 20px white border - select - Edit - paste into selection

12. Keep selected - Effects - Reflection Effects - Kaleidoscope using the following settings

13. Still selected apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames - Glass Frame 2

14. Select none

15. Add a 2px black border

16. Repeat steps 6 - 9

17. Add a 2px black border

18. Add a 35px white border - select - Edit - paste into selection

19. Keep selected and repeat steps 12 -14

20. Add a 1px black border then another 1px white border - select and fill with any gold pattern

21. Open up the corner provided and place on each corner of the frame

Merge all flatten and your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one


Copyright ©Designs by Sandee 2006