Image ©Designs by Sandee




What you will need

Tutorial done using PSP9

Blade Pro

Filters Unlimited 2

Simple Filters

Enki's Filters

An image


(for those of you that don't know - the q9q file and morningswirl.bmp go into the environment & textures folder of blade pro)



One of the filters used here will throw out blue and yellow stripes so you may want to pick an image

that will work with those colours


  1. Open up your image and add a 2px border - select the border and fill with the gold pattern


2. Add a 1px black border


3. Add a 2px border - select and fill with the gold pattern


4. Pick a colour from your image and add a 10px border - select and apply the following inner bevel



5. Select none


6. Add a 2px border -select and fill with the gold pattern


7. Add a 1px black border


8. Add a 2px border -select and fill with the gold pattern


9. Using the same colour you picked from your image - add a 20px border - select and apply Enki's Filters -

Wallpaper Deluxe using the following settings



10. Keep selected and apply Simple Filters - Top Left Mirror then apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames - Glass Frame 2

then select none


11.  Add a 2px border -select and fill with the gold pattern


12. Add a 1px black border


13. Add a 2px border -select and fill with the gold pattern


14. Add a 20px white border - select and apply Blade Pro - Bullion Glaze preset - Keep selected - add a new layer -

fill with the same colour from your image - Layers - Load/Save Mask - load mask from disk - apply wavy edges mask -

Layers - delete - Layers - merge all flatten


15. Still selected - apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames - Glass Frame 2 - apply this twice then while still selected

Adjust - Sharpen


Select none and your all done


Hope you enjoyed this one !