FM Tile Tools






1. Open up your image and add a 3px border - select and fill with the gold pattern

2. Keep selected - Invert and apply the following cut-out

3. Add a 10px border using a colour of your choosing

4. Add a 2px border - select and fill with the gold pattern

5. Add a 30px border using your chosen colour - select

6. Add a new layer - have your chosen colour as your foreground colour and white as your background colour

7. Set your Styles box to gradient - find the #1 Foreground/Background gradient - set the angle to 45 and repeats to 5

8. Flood fill your new layer with the gradient

9. Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load mask from disk - find the Chris Taylor-m32 mask making sure the Invert Transparency box is checked

10. Keep selected - Layers - delete - Layers - merge group - Layers - merge visible

11. While still selected apply FM Tile Tools - blend emboss - select none

12. Add a 3px border - select and fill with the gold pattern

13. Add a 20px border - select and fill with the foreground- background gradient using the same settings as in step 7

14. Keep select and apply the following Inner Bevel


Add some corners and your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one







Copyright Sandee's Place & SDE Designs October 2005