This tutorial was created July 27, 2006
Any resemblance to other online tutorials is purely coincidence
ŠN@thy 2006

This tutorial was written using PSP 9, but can be done in other versions

~ You will need ~
All the HS elements I used are by Melissa. You can find her awesome work @ Scrappy Expressions
Paint Shop Pro, a 30 day trial can be downloaded here
My supplies here. The zip includes the tubes, alpha, mask and background

Put your mask in your mask folder
Open tubes and background in psp and minimize them
Set your Foreground color to #8CA9C1
Set your Background color to #125186

Maximize the background SZBG1227.jpg
This will be our working image
Layers, Promote Background Layer
Layers, Load/Save Mask, Load Mask From Disk and use the following settings:

Layers, Merge, Merge Group
Layers, Duplicate
Image, Mirror
Image, Flip
Change the opacity of this layer to 30
Layers, New Raster Layer
Fill this layer with your foreground color (light color)
Layers, Arrange, Send to Bottom
Layers, Merge, Merge Visible

Copy Kat_0131.pspimage and paste as new layer
Move it up a little and to the right (look at my image for placement)

Copy HS_Element_Charms06_layers.pspimage and paste as new layer
Move it down in the right corner (look at my image for placement)
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow and use the following settings:

Copy screws.pspimage and paste as new layer
Move it up in the top right corner (look at my image for placement)
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow and use the same settings as before

Copy Blue_Blossom.psp and paste as new layer
Move them, duplicate them.. wherever you want (look at my image for placement)
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow and use the same settings as before

Copy HS_Element_SafetyPins04.pspimage and paste as new layer
Move it so it looks like its hanging from the flower in the left top corner
Now move this layer down so its underneath the flower
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow and use the same settings as before

Maximize the HS_Alpha_BlueChrome.pspimage
Using the Selection Tool, select your name's letters and copy
Paste each letter as new layer and move it down in the left corner
Repeat the process until you have all your name written
Position them the way you want
***I kept the letters the same size as the original but can resize them if your have a long name***
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow and use the same settings as before
and apply the drop shadow on each letter

Layers, Merge, Merge All (Flatten)
Image, Add Borders, 5 pixels using background color (dark color)

Add your watermark and your tag is finished. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.