What you will need

Tutorial done using PSP9

Blade Pro

Filters Unlimited 2

An image



  1. Open up a new image 550 x 550px transparent

2. Open up the gold hearts.psp layer - copy and paste as a new layer onto your working image

3. Add a new layer - using the selection tool set on rectangle - starting point x74 y77 then drag the selection

down and out until your just on the tips of the hearts


Look down the bottom right corner of your psp program and you'll see the numbers change as you move your selection

tool, your start point is when you see the numbers above.


4. Fill this section with white - keep selected - selections - modify - contract 20 and hit the delete key

5. Using the magic wand select the white border and apply Blade Pro - Shiny Gold preset - select none

6. We want to make this frame a bit darker so go Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Curves - click on the square

you see in the middle of the red lines and drag this down until you have the settings below - click ok then apply the

same settings again



7. X off your background layer and merge visible your hearts and frame layers


8. Open up the image you want to frame - copy and paste as a new layer - drag this layer below your frame

I find it's not always a good idea to copy and paste your images into a selection because they sometimes become

distorted - if need be resize your image by 75% (make sure you don't have all layers checked when you resize)

now if you still have some image showing outside your gold border just use your selection tool - make sure you don't go

inside the gold frame then while selected go - selections - invert and hit the delete key to get rid of the over lapping bits.


9. Making sure your working on the top layer - Open up the diamonds.psp layer provided - copy and paste as a new layer


10. X off the background layer and merge visible


11. Remove the x off the background layer as we want to work on this now, pick a colour from your image and flood fill

the background layer with this colour - apply a texture if you want, I just used the crosshatch that I think comes with psp


11. Again using the rectangle selection tool and making sure your highlight is still on your background layer-

start just a little bit from the edge of the solid gold part of the frame and work your way around see below for example

(I x my background off for a clearer preview, you need yours unchecked)


12. Once selected - Selections - invert and hit the delete key


13. Select none - Selections - select all - selections - float - layers merge visible and apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Buttons & Frames

Glass Frame 2 using the following settings



Select none and your all done, hope you enjoyed this one !