They will both open in a new window and print out on standard 8½" X 11" paper

For information about which fonts, programs, etc I used to construct my pages and my headers, click here.
For this tutorial you will need:
PSP, and version

Filters and materials needed
I am assuming you know the basics of Paint Shop Pro and where the tools can be located.
This is an extremely easy tutorial and can be done by beginners.
Here are some arrows and bars you can drag and drop where you need to mark or underline where you are. .
Just left click and drag to where you want it then let go.
They will stay where you put them until you close your browser.

I came up with this method while camping. With no internet access and no tutorial on hand to make curved text,
I just played around till I came up with this method. It's very, very simple and easy.
1. Right click in layer palette.  New Vector Layer. Click on Ellipse tool.
Set background on null (turn it off), foreground can be any color.
2. Draw an ellipse about the shape and size you want your text.
It should be an outline only if the color palette is changed as shown in step 1..

3. Click on the text tool. Your ellipse will now show nodes (little red boxes)

Change your color palette. Now you want the foreground to be null,
and the color you want for the text as the background.

Set it at Vector. Set the font and size and color whatever you want it to be.

4. Hover over the spot in the ellipse where you want your text to start. Click down when you see a kind of sideways A.
5. Type your text and apply.

After you apply it, if it's not quite centered where you want it,
hover over the middle till you see the crossed double headed arrows, drag and move to left or right,
as many times as you need to get it to move. It will not move right or left but rather around the circle.
6. Once the text is as you like it, in the layer palette, click on the + next to the vector layer.

In the layers that open out, right click on the ellipse layer and click on properties.
Unclick the box that says visible.

Your circle will be gone but your text will remain. Right click and convert to a raster layer.

With your selection tool, crop around the excess canvas.
7. Add a drop shadow and place where you want and you're done.

For larger text, you may want to change the blur to 2.

This works great for simple shapes such as circles, squares, etc. Not so great for complex shapes such as
stars, hearts, etc. Seems to crowd the text that way, but it's super easy for the simple shapes.
When I get a bit of time to play with it, I'll see if this method can be used for more complex shapes.
If you will want it for a picture that's not open yet but you'll be applying the text in PSP, save it as a
pspimage or psp or a psd file if you want it for a different program, such as PhotoImpact or Photoshop.
If you want to add it to a background, as I did for the tutorial header, save it as a gif.
Saving as a gif
Go to File>Export>Gif Optimizer
In Transparency window, change setting to "Existing Image or Layer Transparency", change nothing else

Click on Partial Transparency tag,
Click "Use Full Transparency for pixels below" and change that to 15%
Click "Yes, blend with background color" and pick a color close to the
background color you'll be placing it on. Change nothing else. Click ok and save.
l hope you had fun!
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If you have any questions or suggestions, click on the email button below to contact me. Have a wonderful day!
These tutorials are all my own creations.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Feel free to share any of my tutorials on this site by a link back to my site,
but do not copy and send the entire tutorial to anyone or any group.
You do not need my permission to share a text link only to this tutorial.
You may also save it to your hard drive (go to File>Save As, and save as an mht file-
this will save the pictures with the page in one single file and will open in a browser.
If not available, save as Web Page, complete (*.htm, *.html).
This will save it with the pictures in a separate folder)
or print it out for your own personal use.
©2003-2007 Ellie's Treasures

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Webpage Design Information
This webpage background was made in PhotoImpact with a tutorial by Deb DeHaven
Sadly, she passed away but her tutorials just came back online, thanks to PIRCNet.
You can find the tutorial

The font I used for all of the text on the buttons is BrockScript
The font I used for the "Text on a Path" tutorial header is Ballantines-Bold.

Click on the font name to download the font.
I use PhotoImpact to make all of my headers due to the amazing
3D text it has and the wonderful presets available free online
Most of the presets I use are either the ones that come with PhotoImpact, usually the Gel ones,
or from Deb's PI Tutorials and More (see below) or
Carol Oyl's site

This is the address to Deb's old pages
I can't find any links to her new pages but the presets are still on this page for download.
For more sites to find PI Presets, take a look at my Great Beginnings page.