Click here for an alternate version
Translated with permission from the creator, Violette at Violettegraphic tutorial site.

See the original tutorial here for PSP in French
This is not my tutorial, it belongs to Violette. If you would like to translate into another language, you must ask her permission.
You can contact her here.

They will both open in a new window and print out on standard 8½" X 11" paper

For information about which fonts, programs, etc I used to construct my web pages and my headers, click here.
For this tutorial you will need:
I've done this tutorial in PSP 9 and PSP XI.
The original writer wrote it in PSP X2
I believe it can be done in most versions.
You may have to look around for the commands but it's likely they are there.

Filters and materials needed
No outside filters needed
Supplies in zip file here for version 8 and up
Supplies in zip file here for older psp versions has .psd tubes instead of pspimage. these can be opened in any program.
Supplies include scrap kit, pspselection (or either psp or psd file in a layer to use with the older programs) and font.
You also need three tubes of couples of your choice.
The scrap kit is called Kisses and was made by Melissa from Scrappy Expressions (group now gone).
The couples tubes I used are from AKK (Karen) and Vicky. I have no site address for either one.
I am assuming you know the basics of Paint Shop Pro and where the tools can be located.
Here are some arrows and bars you can drag and drop where you need to mark or underline where you are. .
Just left click and drag to where you want it then let go.
They will stay where you put them until you close your browser.

Here's a small version of the tag that you can drag with you for reference
1 - Preparation
Open your tubes, duplicate them (shift-D) and close the originals.
I always open all of my tubes and close as I use them
 None of the tubes are used more than once so they can be closed after use.
I also keep a copy of the tag example open to refer to.
Save mine from the top of the page and keep it open if you would like to do this or drag the one just above.
Put the pspselection file in your selections folder.
2 - Open a transparent canvas of 700 X 500 pixels
3 - Activate the png file SE_Kisses_Paper 3
make this a pattern in materials palette and fill your background
4 - Activate the png file SE_Kisses_Paper 4
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Image/ Free Rotate 25° left

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 2/2/60/1/color #673f4b

5 - New raster layer
Selection/Load-Save Selection/Load Selection from disc
Choose the selection "vyp_sel_valentin.PspSelection"

Fill with color #c66281 (dark rose)

If you're using an older version of windows, open either the selection psp file or psd file.
This is simply a layer that's already filled with the right color. Copy and paste onto your scrap like any other layer.
If you want to change the color, just select it and fill it with the new color or use the colorize function in Hue and Saturation.

Effects/ Texture Effects/Blinds, settings: 2-40-light from left/top checked, color #5a1f31:

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: -2/-2/60/1/color #673f4b (same color as before)

6 - Activate the png file SE_Kisses_Paper 2
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Image/resize to 50%, make sure that "resize all layers" is not checked
Image/ Free Rotate 45° right
Place as shown, also move layer two, the other diagonal paper, until it's in a similar position as shown. I try and use landmarks as I go, looking where various patterns are so I can line them up as shown.
Pull layer 4, the smaller paper, below layer 3 (the filled selection layer) in the layer palette, so that the right corner of it disappears behind the selection
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 2/2/60/1/color #673f4b
7 - Open a transparent canvas of 175 X 175 pixels/ fill with color #9a4760 (very dark rose)
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Image/ Free Rotate 45° left
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/40/5/color black
Duplicate layer twice and place as follows, with right points just touching selection edge, spaced evenly:

Pull raster 3, the selection layer, to the top again.
Turn off all layers but the three solid diamonds you just made
(click the eye of each layer in the layer palette to turn it off).

Merge visible.
Turn other layers back on.
Duplicate merged layer.
Image/ Free Rotate 90° left
Place at bottom, under raster layer 3, with the top points just showing

Go back to diamonds along side and apply a drop shadow of 1-1-60-15 black
Now go to the layer with the points along the bottom and apply a drop shadow of 0-3-60-10 black
8 - Activate the SE-Kisses_StitchedHeart.pspimage tube
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 2/3/40/5/color black
9 - Activate the SE-Kisses_pagestrap.pspimage tube
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
With the lasso selection tool set at point-to-point and add select around the ribbons as shown
10 - Adjust/Hue and saturation/Colorize, 243-120:

11 - Move the ribbon to the bottom, on top of the selection.
Activate the raster deformation tool and reduce the size by clicking on the top little box
and holding the left mouse button down, pull it down till the ribbon is about this size

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/25/color #673f4b
12 - Activate the SE-Kisses_EyeletRibbon.pspimage tube
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Image/ Free Rotate 60° left
Activate the raster deformation tool and reduce the size by clicking on the top little box
and holding the left mouse button down, pull it down to the right size, now do the same thing using one of the side boxes,
till you get a stitch that's small enough to go down the length of the selection 4 times, stopping just above the ribbon

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/25/color #673f4b

Duplicate three times and place in a line on the right side as shown.
I use the down cursor (arrow) key to move them down in a straight line so they line up evenly.
13 - Activate the SE-Kisses_Filmstrip.pspimage tube
Edit/Copy/Edit/ Paste as new layer (or see step 19)
Image/ Free Rotate 18° right
14 - Using your Magic Wand set at add, hold down the shift key and select the insides of the frames of the filmstrip
New raster layer
Selections/Modify/Expand 2 pixels
Activate SE-Kisses_Paper 3
Make it your pattern in the material palette and fill your frames
Layers/Arrange/Move down (or drag in the layer palette below the filmstrip layer)
15 - Making sure you are in the filmstrip layer, select the interior of frame 1
New raster layer (so you can move it around to get the best effect)
Activate one of your tubes
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste into the selection

16 - Repeat with the two other tubes of your choice
I reduced the opacity of the tube in frame 1 to 44 and the one in frame 3 to 50, and for the center one, it distorted the tube as it was a tall picture rather than wide, so I reduced the size and pasted as a new layer rather than into the selection and let it walk into the frame. I liked the look so I left it like that. You can paste into the selection as the other two frames if you like. Be creative!
17 - Highlight the layer of the filmstrip:
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 5/5/60/25/color black
18 - Turn off all of the layers but the couples, the filmstrip and the paper fill for the filmstrip. Merge visible
Turn all layers back on. Move it to where you like it and/or rotate it more up or down if you like.
19 - Alternatively to pasting the filmstrip into the scrap and then filling it, you can fill it with the paper
and the couples tubes on the separate canvas, then merge visible, Edit/Copy, Return to your scrap
Edit/Paste as new layer and free rotate a little towards the right.
If the couples aren't going in as straight as you like, then before you fill it, free rotate the filmstrip 24° right, this will make it level, after filling and merging visible, free rotate a little to the left, maybe about 6°
20 - Activate the SE-Kisses_SilverHearts.pspimage tube
With the selection tool cut out the small heart at the top right
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer into scrap
Adjust/Hue and saturation/Colorize, 243-120:

This will turn it a pale silvery pink

Resize to 75%, make sure that "resize all layers" is not checked.
Lay out in a line by duplicating it 4 times, and placing 5 on the left side of the ribbon as shown
To get the line even and in the right place, I placed the extreme left one first, about the middle of the ribbon, then I duplicated one and using the arrow key, I moved it to the narrowest part. If it's in the right spot, I duplicated it and moved it left, with the arrow key, duplicated that one, and moved it left with the arrow key, and then once more for a total of 5 hearts
If you always use the arrow keys to move, they'll stay in a straight line

Turn off all layers except those of the hearts
Merge visible

Apply the drop shadow -1, 2, 60, 5 black on the heart on the right side of the ribbon,
for the drop shadow for the left hearts change the horizontal to -2 and leave the rest the same
21 - Activate the SE-Kisses_Bow_1.pspimage/Resize tube to 60%
Edit/Copy/ Edit/Paste as new layer into scrap and to place to your taste, free rotate 20° left
Apply drop shadow 0/0/60/25/color #5a1f31

Make sure that all is where you want it, that you have all of your drop shadows done, etc, then merge all
Until you merge, you can always add drop shadows and fix things up, after that no way so make sure it's all as you like it.
I always merge at the last possible moment so I can fix things but you have to merge here to add the borders in the next step.
22 - Image/Add borders: 2 pixels color #dfa9bc (medium rose)
23 - Image/Add borders: 22 pixels color #9a4760 (dark rose)
Select with the magic wand
Effects/Texture Effects/Blinds, settings 2-40-black-horizontal and light from left/top both checked:

24 - Image/Add borders: 2 pixels color #dfa9bc
25 - Selection/Select All
Selection/Modify/Contract 26 pixels
Effects/3D Effects/Cutout: 0/0/100/40/black

26. Add text if desired. I wrote "Be my" and then "Valentine" on 2 separate layers
using the font Buffet Script, size 26, stroke width 1, centered;

I did it on two layers as the spacing between the two lines was too large with this particular font and I wanted to move them closer together. In the material palette I put the dark rose from the border in the background and turned off the foreground color.

After applying the text, right click in layer palette and convert to raster layer.
If using more than one layer for the text, turn off other layers and merge visible.
Free rotate 10° left to match slant of heart

Apply drop shadow of 1-1-100-0 black, if desired. I tried it both ways and liked it better without the drop shadow.

Merge all
To resize, make sure, to retain the texture and the clarity, resize at 90% bicubic and repeat till you get close to the size you want.
At that point you can resize by pixels as usual. You will find this makes a big difference in your final result.
If you resize, use the unsharp mask or Brightness/Contrast to sharpen it a bit.
Adjust>Sharpness>Unsharp mask at Radius 1, strength 60, clipping 4.
Adjust>Brightness and Contrast set to Brightness of 5-contrast of 15.
Layers>New raster layer. Add your water mark on this new layer
Layers>Merge>Merge all (flatten)
File>Export>Jpeg optimizer - compression of 20.
l hope you had fun!
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If you have any questions or suggestions, click on the email button below to contact me. Have a wonderful day!
These tutorials are translated with permission from the original writer.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Feel free to share any of my tutorials on this site by a link back to my site,
but do not copy and send the entire tutorial to anyone or any group.
©2003-2008 Ellie's Treasures

Alternate version

Made by my friend, Sonel of Sonel's Corner

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Webpage Design Information
This webpage background was made in PhotoImpact with a tutorial by Deb DeHaven
Sadly, she passed away but her tutorials just came back online, thanks to PIRCNet.
You can find the tutorial

The font I used for all of the text on the buttons is BrockScript
The font I used for the "Scrap Valentina" tutorial header is GE Ragged Script.
Click on the font name to download the font.
I use PhotoImpact to make all of my headers due to the amazing
3D text it has and the wonderful presets available free online
Most of the presets I use are either the ones that come with PhotoImpact, usually the Gel ones,
or from Deb's PI Tutorials and More (see below) or
Carol Oyl's site

This is the address to Deb's old pages
I can't find any links to her new pages but the presets are still on this page for download.
For more sites to find PI Presets, take a look at my Great Beginnings page.