A quick and easy tag to do.
I have always loved this tube so decided to just make a quick tag for it
I am not sure who tubed it, nor from which group I received it,
so I am unable to give credit



Paint shop Pro
Super Blade Pro
Preset for Super Blade Pro - m_coconutice
**There is a preset for Blade Pro as well - lux-glass**
Font of your choice - I am using Bucephalus

1. Open your tubes, duplicate them and close the originals
Minimize the snowflakes for right now
Unzip the preset for Blade Pro or Super Blade Pro
to your Environments and Textures file
Set the background color to white
Choose a color from your tube and set as the foreground color
I am using #8d9fc7

2. Open a new image 500 x 500, transparent background

3. Copy the tree tube or your own tube and paste as a new layer
on the transparent image

4. Layers - Duplicate
Rename the copy - tube
Rename the first layer - mosaic
Hide the tube layer and working on the mosaic layer

5. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 10.00
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique

mosaic antique

6. Unhide the tube layer
Image - Resize - 85% (this may not be necessary if you use a different tube)
Move it slighty down to the right
Effects - 3d Effects - Drop Shadow

drop shadow

7. Activate your text tool
Set it up as follows:
text tool

Set foreground to null

Type your text
Keep the text selected

8. Fill the text with the foreground color
Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear - Super Blade Pro
Choose the mcoconut-ice preset

Effects - 3d Effects - Drop Shadow
Apply the same settings as previous
Select none
Position your text below the tube layer

Add the snowflakes if you wish or some other embellishment

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial

From my family to yours,
A very Merry Christmas and the best of the New Year


happy holidays


Here are some examples from my testers! Thanks Rosia and Diana