I'd like to acknowledge two people for helping me set up this Webpage, a lovely lady called Ronnee for giving up her time to help me whenever I send out an s.o.s and for testing my tutorials and to the Script Master Mr Edgar Poirier for writing this wonderful snow script and giving freely of his time to make it work for my tutorial.......thank you both *s*




Super Blade Pro - HERE 

Preset used in Super Blade Pro - HERE

Gregs Factory Output V2 - HERE

CPK Designs - HERE

Unplugged Effects - HERE

This file containing the Red and Dark Green Gradient, unzip into your Gradient folder in PSP and my Christmas Tree corner



1. Open up your image ---> Image ---> Add Borders and add a white border size 2

2. Select the border with your magic wand and go ---> Effects ---> Plugins ---> Super Blade Pro ---> find and apply the sanco_knottygold preset

3. Select none

4. Using your eye dropper tool select a colour from your image and use it as your background colour I used #A20427

5. Add a border size 15

6. Select the border with your wand ---> Effects ---> Noise ---> Add 15 Uniform

7. Keep selected ---> Effects ---> Plugins ---> Gregs Factory Output 2 ---> Pool Shadow at the default settings

8. Select none

9. Repeat steps 1 and 2, keep selected then go ---> Selections ---> Invert ---> Effects ---> 3D Effects ---> Cut-out and apply the following setting

Vertical & Horizontal 2 Opacity 65 Blur 25

10. Keep selected and repeat the cutout only this time change the Vertical and Horizontal to minus 2

11. Select none

12. Have your background set to white and add a border size 30

13. Select the border with your wand and once you have the ants marching around set your Styles box to Gradient, find and apply the Red Dark Green Gradient with the following settings

14. Keep selected ---> Effects ---> Plugins ---> CPK Designs ---> Stars ---> use the following setting

Ray Length 68 / Spikes 46

Depending on the size of your image you may need to play around a bit

15. Select none

16. Using your magic wand, Tolerance set on 25 and holding down the shift key, select all around the outside of the spike border you just made as in the image below

17. Once you have that outside bit selected go ---> Effects ---> Plug-ins ---> Unplugged Effects ---> Snow - I set mine on 10 but feel free to change it

18. Select none

19. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3

20. With your background colour set to White add a border size 35

21. Select the border with your wand and flood fill it with the same Red Dark Green Gradient you used in step 13

22. Keep selected ---> Effects ---> Texture Effects ---> Blinds ---> Width 10   Opacity 30  and a tick in Light from top box

23. Still selected ---> Effects ---> 3D Effects ---> Inner Bevel and apply this setting

24. Background colour set on white add a border size 5

25. Select the border with your wand and apply the sanco knotty gold preset as used in step 2

All you need to now is dress it up, I've included the Christmas Tree corners I made so your welcome to use them.........hope you enjoyed this one



Tutorial ©Sandee

Created November 2002