Gold Pattern - HERE

NRV Bordermania - HERE

VM Extravaganza-Transmission - HERE

Greg's Factory Output 2 - HERE

My Little Extras - HERE


1. Open up your image and add a border size 2px

2. Select the border with your magic wand, tolerance and feather both set on zero then flood fill with the gold pattern

3. While still selected ---> Invert and apply the following cut-out

4. Select none

5. Add a 1px black border

6. Add a 1px border ---> select and flood fill with the gold pattern

7. Using a colour from your image ( I used #658B66 ) add a 5px border, select with your wand and apply NRV Bordermania Frame 2 changing the top two settings to 5

8. Select none

9. Add a border size 2px ---> select and flood fill with the gold pattern

10. Repeat steps 5 and 6

11. Using your chosen border colour add a border size 15px

12. Select this border and apply Visual Manipulation Transmission at the default settings

13. Keep selected and apply the following Inner Bevel

14. Select none

15. Repeat steps 9 and 10

16. Add a border size 1px ---> select and flood fill with gold

17. Add a black border size 1px

18. Using your border colour add a 20px border

19. Select the border and apply Noise Uniform 15 then Greg's Factory Output 2 Pool Shadow at the following settings

20. Select none

21. Repeat step 16 ---> keep selected ---> invert and apply the same cut-out as in step 3 ---> repeat steps 5 and 6

22. Select none

23. Again add a 20px border using your chosen colour ---> select ---> Effects ---> Reflection Effects ---> Pattern and apply the following settings

(depending on the size of your image you may need to adjust this a little)


24. Keep selected and apply the same Inner Bevel as in step 13

25. Select none

26. Add a 1px border ---> select and flood fill with the gold pattern


And that's it, your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one






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