Filters Unlimited 2

DSB Flux



1. Open up a new image 700 x 550px

2. Set your foreground  #AD0018 and flood fill your layer

3. Apply Filters Unlimited 2 - Special Effects 2 - Centerspot - setting 192

4. Repeat the step above

5. Copy and paste the large tube of the christmas balls onto your working image and lower the opacity to 20

6. Copy and paste the christmas bars pspimage as a new layer onto your working image then apply the following drop shadow

7. Position the bars up the top of your layer - still working on the same layer - duplicate - image - flip

8. Copy and paste the pspimage of the christmas frame as a new layer onto your working image - position on the left hand side

9. Using the magic wand and holding down the shift key, select the area in-between the 2 rectangler frames once you have the ants marching around, on your layer palette move the highlight down to layer 2, this should be the large christmas balls tube - now hit the delete key once

10. Selections - select none

11. Move your highlight back up to your top layer which should be the frame tube and apply the following drop shadow

12. On your layer palette again, move the highlight to the layer under the frame - at this point you can either copy and paste as a new layer each of the pictures supplied or use pictures of your family (cropped to the same size) and position the pictures so that each sits into the frames

13. Layers merge visible

14. Image - canvas size - resize to 750 x 600 - using your wand select the area around your image and fill with #800311 - Keep selected and apply Screenworks - Point Array - still selected apply the following drop shadow then apply again only change the vertical and horizontal settings to minus 1 - select none

15. Copy and paste the words as a new layer onto your working image then apply the following drop shadow

16. Copy and paste the bow as a new layer, position top right corner - layers merge visible

17. Copy and paste the white christmas tree as a new layer onto your working image - position right side - add the star tube to the top of the tree - layers merge visible

18. Duplicate the merged layer twice - X off the bottom two layers and working on the top layer get your lasso tool and trace around the christmas tree, don't go outside the tree, keep a little bit to the inside edge - once you have the ants marching around apply DSB Flux - Bright Noise - Mix - 38

19. KEEP SELECTED - X off the top layer and remove the X from the second tree layer, make sure your highlight is on this layer and apply the DSB Flux again using the same settings only this time click the word MIX once

20. KEEP SELECTED - X off this layer and remove the X from your third tree layer, again make sure you move your highlight to this layer - apply the DSB Flux, same settings but this time hit the word MIX twice - select none

21. Copy and paste each of your layers as a new image - save each of them as christmas1 - 2 and 3 pspimage


1. Open up animation shop - select the animation wizard and follow the steps - I had the setting for how long I wanted each frame to display set on 10 and make sure when  you add your images you have them in order of 1 -3. you can use the up and down keys to put them in the right order - save your animated image to a folder of choice


Hope you enjoyed this one







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