Tutorial done using PSP8


(Image, tube, corner, silver pattern and my presets for Flaming Pears Silver)

Graphic Plus

Flaming Pear Silver 


1. Open up the image of the horses and add a 2px white border

2. Select the border and flood fill with the silver pattern ---> keep selected ---> Invert and apply the following cut-out

3. Select none

4. Add a 5px border using #676978

5. Add a 1px white border ---> select and flood fill with the silver pattern

6. Keep selected ---> invert and apply the same cut-out as in step 2

7. Select none

8. Add a 15px border using #676978 ---> select and apply Graphic Plus - Cross Shadow at the default setting

9. Select none

10. Add a 15px white border ---> select and apply Flaming Pear Silver ---> apply the sde_doubleframe1 preset

11. Keep selected and sharpen once  ---> Invert and apply the same cut-out as in step 2

12. Select none

13. Add a 25px white border ---> select and apply Flaming Pear Silver ---> this time apply my sde_doubleframe2 preset

14. Keep selected ---> sharpen once

15. Select none

16. At this point if you want to add corners to the frame now's the time to do it, so either using my corner or your own apply them to your frame and merge all layers visible

17. Using your selection tool set it to rectangle then select your image inside the frame then on your layer palette duplicate your layer twice - don't deselect until I say ok ?

18. Turn the visibility off on your top two layers and highlight your bottom layer as we'll be working on this one first

19. Select your Airbrush tool and set it to the following

Size 150

Hardness 25

Step 25

Density 25

Thickness 100

Rotation 0

Opacity 25

20. Now spray here and there lightly, don't cover it totally as we have another two layer to work with yet...   you don't have to worry about going outside onto the frame because while you have it selected it will only go on your image

21. Turn the visibility off on the top and bottom layers and working on the 2nd layer repeat the airbrushing but this time change the opacity to 30

22. Turn the visibility off on the 1st and 2nd layers, working on the top layer now apply the airbrushing again but change the opacity to 35

23. Select none


Now that we've applied the snow to the images we need to add the tube

Open up the Father & Son tube copy it then close it, click on your image and paste as a new layer

What we have to do is add this tube to each layer and I found the easiest way to do it and get it in the same place on each image was to duplicate the tube layer twice, you now have 3 layers of the tube and 3 layers of the image.

X off all layers except for one image layer and one tube layer then merge visible

Keep doing this until all 3 images have been merged with a tube layer, you now are left with only three layers


24. X off the 1st and 2nd layers, highlight the 3rd layer and SAVE AS ---> a.psp

25. X off the 3rd and 1st layers ---> save as ---> b.psp

25. X off the 2nd and 3rd layers ---> save as ---> c.psp




Ok we want to animate our picture now but don't close off your work because if you don't like how the snow effect is when it's animated you can just come back to psp and undo your snow and reapply it again


Open up Animation Shop ---> click on the animation wizard

Select same size as 1st image




Upper left corner & with canvas colour


Yes repeat the animation & 40 is the number for how long we want it displayed for


Press on the Add image and browse to where you saved your psp images and add each one



Now you should have all 3 of your psp files showing in animation shop, to see what your animation is going to look like before saving it press on the View Animation button

If your happy how it looks press File ---> Save ---> give your animation a name then follow the prompts


all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one



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