Simple Filters





1. Open up a new image 650 x 500px and flood fill with Catoe Country66 Gradient - Angle 0 Repeats 0

2. Selections - Select all

3. Effects - Distortion Effects - Displacement Map using the following settings

4. Select none

5. Apply Simple Filters - Top Left Mirror

6. Selections - select all - selections - modify - contract 30 - Image - Crop to selection

7. Add a 5px white border - select and fill with the gold texture pattern scaled to 250

8. Keep selected and apply the following drop shadow

9. Still selected apply the drop shadow again only this time change the Vertical & Horizontal settings to minus 1

10. Select none

11. Add a 1px black border

12. Add a 40px white border - select and fill with the LM Red Flame gradient - Angle 0 Repeats 0

13. Open up the tube of the Christmas Candles and paste as a new layer - position to left in the center frame

14. Open up the tube of the ribbon - copy and paste as a new layer - position so that the ribbon meets the rim of the glass candle

15. Layers - Arrange - Move down

16. Apply the following drop shadow - colour is #450000

17. Make sure your highlight is on the top layer on your layer palette - open up the Merry Christmas tube - copy and paste as a new layer - position so that the end of the worlds rest on the ribbon - apply the same drop shadown as in step 16

18. Open up the single candle - copy and paste as a new layer and position bottom right then apply the same drop shadow as in step 9

19. Open up the words - copy and paste as a new layer down the bottom

20. Once your happy where everything is - merge visible

21. Add a 3px border - select and fill with the goldfill_1 pattern

22. Add your corners - merge visible

and your all done!

Hope you enjoyed this one





Copyright ©Designs By Sandee 2006