Spherized Tile


For this tutorial you will need:
Jasc Paint Shop Pro - available for purchase here
Funhouse filters - Xaggerate - available free here

My plugin windows may look different from yours as I use Filters Unlimited to manage my plugins. You can purchase it here.
I am assuming you know the basics of Paint Shop Pro and where the tools can be located.

1. Pick a portion of graphic that you want the colors from, select with the selection tool ; Edit>Copy; Edit>Paste as new image.
Resize to 300X300, lock aspect ratio unchecked.

2. Go to Effects>Image Effects>Seamless Tiling; settings as shown:
     Mirror, settings are 1-1-65, Bidirectional

After Seamless Tiling
3. Go to Adjust>Blur>Gaussian blur>5 (in PSP 7 it's in the Effects menu).

4. Go to Effects, Funhouse, Xaggerate, set to 35-35.

5. Go to Effects>Geometric Effects>Spherize>-100 (make sure you pick -100)

5. Go to Effects>Image>Seamless Tiling>same settings as above, which are:
Settings: Mirror, settings are 1-1-65, Bidirectional


Save as a jpg and you're done.

If you have any questions or suggestions, click on the email button below to contact me. Have a wonderful day!

Tiles from different graphics


My Testers' Results
Members of my Filters n Frames tutorial group

These tutorials are all my own creations.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Feel free to share any of my tutorials on this site by a link back to my site,
but do not copy and send the entire tutorial to anyone or any group.
©2004 Ellie's Treasures

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