
I have always been fond of Pierrot and Pierrette.
I have a collection of approx 100 of these beautiful dolls.
Of course I fell in love with this picture as soon as I saw it.

Tutorial created September 22, 2003 - resemblance to any other tutorial
is purely coincidental.
Tutorial created in Paint Shop Pro 8 but will work in other versions.

Paint Shop Pro
Greg's Factory Output Vol II
Kang 4
Eye Candy 3 - Here
Mura Seamless
*You want to download MuRa's Seamless Filters D - Version 1.0 for this tutorial*
FM Tile Tools
Zip File - Here
*Unzip and open on your workspace*

1. Open graphic, duplicate and close original
Choose a color from your graphic and set as the
background color - I used #27265f
Choose a contrasting color from your graphic and set as the
foreground color - I used #48161a
Set the foreground pattern to the gold pattern supplied.

2. Selections - Select All
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
Vertical and Horizontal - 0
Opacity - 100
Blur - 12.50
Color - Black

3. Add 1px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

4. Add 1px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Select none

5. Add 1px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

6. Add 5px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with background color
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique
Select none

mosaic antique

7. Repeat Steps 3 - 5

8. Add 10px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Effects - Plugins - MuRa Seamless - Checks
Select none


9. Using the magic wand and holding down the Shift key
- select each of the black squares in the border
Flood fill the selected areas with the foreground color - your second color choice
Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss
Apply the default settings twice
Select none

10. Selections - Select All
Selections - Modify Contract - 10
Selections - Invert
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
Select none


11. Repeat Steps 3 - 5

12. Add 15px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output Volume II - Pool Shadow

pool shadow

Effects - Plugins - Kang4 - Bubblecross Waves

 bubblecross waves

Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss
Apply the default settings twice
Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 3.1 - Inner Bevel
Select none

inner bevel

13. Repeat Steps 3 - 5

14. Add 20px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with background color
Effects - Reflection Effects - Kaleidoscope


Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 3 - Inner Bevel
Apply the same settings as in Step 12
Select none

15. Repeat Steps 3 - 5

16. Add 25px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output - Pool Shadow
Apply the same settings as in Step 12
Effects - Plugins - Kang4 - Bubblecross Waves
Apply the same settings as in Step 12
Effects - Plugins - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss
Apply the default settings twice
Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 3 - Inner Bevel
Apply the same settings as in Step 12
Select none

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial


Tutorial and Graphics - Copyright ©Marlie 2003