Presents For Diana


For some time now I have had a very special lady test my tutorials
She has always kept me on the straight and narrow
Corrected all my mistakes and basically looked after me
I had the good fortune to meet Diana and her husband this summer
I am so lucky to have met her and to have her for a friend

This is just a small token of my appreciation for all you have done for me
Sending you lots of hugs
Marlie *S*

Tutorial written December 10, 2003 using Paint Shop Pro 8
It can easily be worked in other versions


Paint Shop Pro
MuRa Seamless
**Select MuRa's Seamless Filters D - Version 1.0**
Greg's Factory Output
Funhouse Filters
Eye Candy 3 - Here
Graphic, Gold Pattern and Corner - Here
*Unzip and open all in PSP*

1. Open your graphic, duplicate, and close the original
Choose a color from your graphic and set as the background color
I used #4849b3
Set the foreground pattern to the supplied gold pattern

2. Selections - Select All
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout
Select none


3. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

4. Add 5px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output - Pool Shadow
Apply the default settings
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Select none


5. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

6. Add 15px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with background color
Effects - Plugins - Funhouse - Bug Eye


Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 3 - Inner Bevel
Select none

inner bevel

7. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

8. Add 5px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with background color
Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output - Pool Shadow
Apply the default settings
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Apply the same settings as previous

9. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

10. Add 25px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the background color
Effects - Plugins - MuRa Seamless - Stripe
Select none

mura stripe

The red, green, and blue settings above produced the blue color I am using
Play around with the settings to get a color that matches your graphic

11. Select the magic wand - tolerance and feather set at 0
Select all the dark blue sections of the border
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
Select none

psp bevel

12. Select the magic wand again, click on the other sections of the border
Mine are the light blue sections
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique

mosaic antique

Appy twice
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
Apply the same settings as in the previous step
Select none

13. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

14. Add 5px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with background color
Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output - Pool Shadow
Apply the default settings
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Apply the same settings as previous

15. Add 2px border - select with magic wand
Flood fill with the gold pattern
Select none

Add any embellishments you wish

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial
As always if you have any questions please feel free to Email me.


Tutorial Copyright MarlieŠ 2003
Page Design and Graphics Copyright Marlie's Web DesignŠ 2003