
1. Open up a new image 500 x 500

2. Set your foreground to #D3B69C and your background to #c6a28b

3. On your Materials box select Gradient and find the forewhitfore gradient, angle and repeats set on zero ---> flood fill your new layer with this gradient

4. Add a new layer ---> flood fill this layer with #c6a28b

5. Layers ---> load/save mask ---> load mask from disk ---> find and apply LN_kaithy mask making sure that the Invert Transparency box is unchecked

5. On your layer palette, right click on the mask layer and delete ---> Layers ---> merge group ---> on your layer palette set the opacity of this layer to 60

6. Layers - Merge Visible

7. Add a new layer - Selections ---> load/save selections - load selection from disk - find and apply sde_butterflies_1 selection

8. Flood fill the selection with #c6a28b - keep selected and apply the following drop shadow TWICE

9. Select none and lower the opacity of this layer to 62

10. Add a new layer - Selections - load/save selections - load selection from disk - apply sde_butterflies_2 selection

11. Flood fill this selection with #c6a28b and while still selected apply the same drop shadow as in step 8 but this time only apply it once - select none and lower the opacity to 62

12. Add a new layer - keep your materials box on Gradient, change the Angle to 45 and repeats to 2 - have your foreground colour set to #c6a28b and your background colour set to White

13. Selections - load/save selections - load selections from disk - apply sde_butterflies_3 selection - flood fill this selection with the gradient - keep selected and apply the same drop shadow as in step 8 only this time change the Blur setting to 8 - Select none

14. Add a new layer and repeat step 13 only this time apply sde_butterflies_4 selection

15. Layers - Merge - merge visible

16. Open up the Lady tube - copy and paste as a new layer onto your working image - position her to the bottom left of your image

17. Open up the Flowers tube - copy and paste as a new layer onto your image - position this to the right of your image - apply the same drop shadow as in step 13

18. Layers - Merge - merge visible

19. Add a new layer - Selections - load/save selections - load selection from disk - apply sde_butterflies_5 selection ---> Flood fill this selection with #c6a28b and while still selected apply the same drop shadow as in step 8 but this time only apply it once - select none and lower the opacity to 70

20. Add a new layer - X off your foreground colour and have your background colour set on White

21. Select your text tool - find Sandy Text Bold - size 28 and type in your name or any word you like

22. Keep selected and apply the same drop shadow as in step 8 but change the Blur setting to 8 - Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen - select none

23. Open up the butterfly tube - copy and paste as a new layer - position this under your text - Layers - Merge - merge visible

24. Add a 10px border and select - set your foreground colour to White - your background to #c6a28b and your Materials box to the forwhitfore gradient - angle 45 ---> repeats 2 ---> flood fill your border with the gradient

25. Keep selected and apply the following Inner Bevel

26. Add a 2px border - select and fill with the same gradient - select none


Add your corners and your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one


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