Needles & Pins Tile


For this tutorial you will need:
ULead PhotoImpact - available for purchase here
Adobe Photoshop - available for purchase here
Jasc Paint Shop Pro - available for purchase here
This tutorial will work in any of these programs.

Filters needed
VM Experimental - total set of VM filters available free here
Simple Filters - available free here

My plugin windows may look different from yours as I use Filters Unlimited 2 to manage my plugins - available for purchase here.
I am assuming you know the basics of your graphics program and where the tools can be located.



1. Open a new canvas, 200 X 200 pixels, white. Fill it with a gradient of your choosing. If you are matching a graphic, pick two colors from your graphic. Apply the gradient in a diagonal manner. In PSP, that would be Angle 45, repeat 0, in PI pick the arrow pointing diagonally, in Photoshop drag from upper left to lower right. To learn how to apply a gradient in Photoshop, click here.

I used #FADC2E (the yellow) and #FB954A (the orange)

2. Go to Effects or Filters>VM Experimental>Needles and Pins, settings 0-32-32-32-255, apply.


3. Rotate clockwise. In PSP, go to Image>Rotate>Rotate Clockwise 90. In PhotoImpact use the transform tool and click on the Rotate & flip icon in the option bar, pick the second option as I show here.  In Photoshop, go to Image>Rotate Canvas>90º CW.
Your image should now look similar to this.
Setting for PhotoImpact

4. Go to Effects or filters>Simple>Quick Tile. It should now look similar to this.
5. Reduce opacity for a lighter effect
In PI go to Edit>Fill, white at 50-75% transparency
In PSP, right click in layer palette>new raster layer. Fill with fill tool, white, reduce opacity in layer to 40.
In Photoshop: Layer>New>Layer, then using the Paint Bucket tool, fill with white, go to the layer palette and reduce opacity to 40%
If you would like to see a stationery I made with this tile, click here. It's called Double Take.

Some alternative gradient results

Pale blue to dark blue gradient and same one faded
Pale pink to dark pink gradient and same one faded
White to pale yellow gradient

Copper Gradient

Pale Mauve to dark mauve gradient


If you have any questions or suggestions, click on the email button below to contact me. Have a wonderful day!

My Testers' Results
Members of my Filters n Frames tutorial group

These tutorials are all my own creations.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Feel free to share any of my tutorials on this site by a link back to my site,
but do not copy and send the entire tutorial to anyone or any group.
©2004 Ellie's Treasures

paralegal college