The image used in this tutorial is by unknown artist,
and this mask I receive in a email group
If you are the author of one of them please
let me know and I'll give your credits or retire
it as you wish.

This tutorial was written to PSP version 7.04 and assumes
you have a working knowledge of PSP at intermediate level.

For this tutorial you'll need the following tools:

Paint Shop Pro click here to download a trial version

Crescent Moon Terracotta Filter click here to download

The image, mask and gold fill click here to download

This beautiful mask it's by Kare,and it's used with permission.
Take a look at her site by clicking here.


1- Install the Crescent Moon Filter in your PSP plugins folder.
2- Open the zip file and extract the the mask to PSP masks
folder and the goldfill pattern to your PSP patterns folder.
3- Open your image in PSP hold down your shift key and press D
to duplicate and close the original.
4- Select white as your background color and
the gold pattern as your foreground.
5-Layers - New Raster Layer - Flood Fill with the gold pattern.
6-Masks load from disk and choose the celticframekare.
7- Selections - from mask.
8- Masks - delete mask and click yes in
the message box .
9-Keep selected, Sharpen - Sharpen.
10- Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
H & V "1", opacity "80"
Blur "0" color"#7E403E" as the screenshot below:



11- Repeat the same drop shadow changing the H & V to "-1"
12- Go to Selections - float. Effects - 3D Effects - Cut Out
with H & V "2" - opacity "40"
blur "3" and color "#7E403E" . Deselect.


13- Image add a 2px border - symmetric checked.
14- Select the border with the magic wand tolerance"0"
feather="0" Sample Merged unchecked.



15- Floodfill with the gold pattern and repeat the same cutout
as in step 12.
16- Image add a 4px border - symmetric checked .
17- Select this border using the same wand settings as before.
18- Flood fill with the gold pattern, and repeat the same
Cutout as in step 12. Keep Selected.
19- Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel using
Bead preset. Keep selected.



20- Selections - Invert and apply the same
drop shadow used in steps 10 & 11. Deselect.
21- Select a color in your image for your
background I used "#B79F86".
22- Image add a 10 px border , symmetric checked.
23- Select this border using the same wand as before.
24- Effects - Plugin Filters - Crescent Moon - Terracotta
with horizontal and vertical tiles "10", horizontal and vertical
source 33. This settings will change according
with your image size, I used this for my image. Deselect.



25- Change your background color to white again.
26- Image add a 4px border, symmetric checked.
27- Select this border using the same wand settings as before.
28- Flood fill with the gold pattern, and repeat the same
Cutout as in step 12. Keep Selected.
29- Selections invert and repeat the steps 10 & 11.
30- Selections - select none.
31- Effects- Sharpen - Sharpen.
32- Resize it if you wish and the apply the
Sharpen again.
33- Save your image as jpg or gif.


Thank you for do my tutorial , wish you had enjoy it.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


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