
Anime Background

Paint Shop Pro
Ulead Fantasy Warp
Greg's Factory Output Vol II
Gold Fill - Here   Unzip and minimize on your workspace.

1. Open a new image - 180 x 180 - transparent.

2. Choose a colour for your background and set as foreground colour - background set to white.

3. Flood fill with foreground colour.

4. Layers - Merge - Merge All(Flatten)

5. Add 10px border - select with magic wand.

6. Flood fill with foreground colour.   Keep selected.

7. Set foreground styles palette to pattern and choose the gold fill.

8. Flood fill border with gold fill.   Select none.

9. Effects - Plugins - Ulead - Fantasy Warp

fantasy warp

Apply as follows:
1. When the plugin opens hit the reset button
2. Choose Pattern Template 10
3. Choose Pattern Template 3
4. Choose Pattern Template 2
5. Choose Pattern Template 3
6. Choose Pattern Template 2
7. OK

10. Effects - Plugins - Greg's Factory Output Vol II - Pool Shadow.  I used the default settings.
You may have to adjust your Intensity and Lightness settings depending on the colour of the background.

There you have a nice sparkly background.
Here are a couple more examples I have done.

example   example

For both of these examples I used the following settings for the Pool Shadow
Intensity - 75 and Lightness - 141.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.


Tutorial Copyright Marlie © 2003