Jasc Paint Shop Pro
Ulead Art Texture
Toadies Filters - The Toad Pool
NVR Bordermania
Graphic of choice


1. Open graphic, duplicate, and close original.
 Choose a colour from your graphic and set as the foreground - I used #0c0f1f. 
 Set background to white.

2.  Add 2px border - select with magic wand.

3.  Effects - Plugins - Ulead - Art Texture. 
Choose edit and select Palette 5, then Ok.
  I chose the first pattern in the second row. 
Select none.

At this point you can add a cutout but my image is too dark so I didn't add one.

4.  Add 10px border - select with magic wand. 
Flood fill with foreground colour. 
Select none.

5.Repeat Steps 2 & 3

6.  Add 15px border - select with magic wand. 
 Flood fill with foreground colour. 
 Keep selected.

7.  Effects - Plugins - Toadies - The Toad's Pool II

Keep selected.

8.  Effects - Plugins - NVR Bordermania - Frame 2.

Select none.

9.  Repeat Steps 2 & 3.

10.  Add 20px border - select with magic wand. 
 Flood fill border with foreground colour. 
 Keep selected.

11.  Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique.

Select none.

12.  Repeat Steps 2 & 3.

13.  Add 25px border - select with magic wand.
  Flood fill with foreground colour. 
 Keep selected.

14.  Effects - Plugins - Distort - The Toad's Pool II. 
 Apply the same settings as in Step 7. 
 Keep selected.

15.  Effects - Plugins - NVR Bordermania - Frame 2

Select none.


Add some corners and you are done.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.


Tutorial Copyright Marlie ©2003