Supplies - HERE 

(put the pinwheel.bmp into your Textures folder)




1. Open up your image and resize to 415 x 474 

2. Add a 2px border, select and flood fill with the gold pattern ---> invert and apply the following cut-out

Vertical and Horizontal 2

Opacity 65 - Blur 20

3. Open the gold frame tube, copy and paste this as a new layer onto your image

4. Making sure your working on the gold frame layer, select the outside area of the frame....if you select the area shown below it will pick up all the surrounding area

5. Once you have the outside selected, move your highlight to the bottom layer which is your image ---> Adjust ---> Blur ---> Gaussian Blur 7 or higher depending on your image ---> select none

6. Move your highlight back up to the gold frame layer ---> selections ---> select all ---> selections ---> float and apply the following Drop Shadow

7. Select none and merge layers visible

8. Add a 2px border ---> select and flood fill with the gold pattern

9. Add a 1px black border

10. Repeat step 8

11. Repeat step 9

12. Add a 5px border ---> select and flood fill with the gold beads pattern

13. Repeat steps 9 to 11 then step 8 again

14. Add a 15px border ---> select and fill with the mqc cell gradient making sure you have the angle set on 45

15. Add a 2px border, select and fill with the gold pattern ---> keep selected---> invert and apply the following cut-out

Vertical & Horizontal 0

Opacity 100  -  Blur 20

16. Select none

17. Add a 1px black border

18. Add a 2px border, select and fill with the gold beads pattern

19. Add a 1px black border

20. Add a 2px border, select and fill with the gold pattern

21. Add a 25px border, select and fill with the gold gradient

22. Effects ---> Texture Effects ---> Texture ---> find and apply the pinwheel texture at the default settings

23. Keep selected and apply the following Inner Bevel

24. Select none

24. Add a 1px border, select and fill with the gold pattern

Select none and your all done !

Hope you enjoyed this one








Tutorial copyright ŠSandee's Place - Corners & Design copyright ŠSDE

February 2nd, 2005