Translated with permission from the creator, Violette at Violettegraphic tutorial site.
Click here or scroll down for an alternate version.

See the original tutorial here for PSP in French
This is not my tutorial, it belongs to Violette. If you would like to translate into another language, you must ask her permission.
You can contact her here.

They will both open in a new window and print out on standard 8½" X 11" paper

For information about which fonts, programs, etc I used to construct my pages and my headers, click here.
For this tutorial you will need:
I've done this tutorial in PSP 9 and Violette did it in PSP XII.
I believe it can be done in most versions.
You may have to look around for the commands but it's likely they are there.

Filters and materials needed
FM Tile Tools, available here
Pentacom>Jeans, available free here
Graphics Plus>Cross Shadow, available free here
Supplies in zip file here for version 8 and up
(((Supplies in zip file here for older psp versions has .psd tubes instead of pspimage.))) these can be opened in any program.
The psd zip file also includes a premade gradient filled canvas to start in case the gradient file doesn't work in your program.
Both Zips contains the tubes, the gradient and the font.
Tubes are by Mou, Marcio C, and Christine
My plugin windows may look different from yours as I use Filters Unlimited 2 to manage my plugins.
It's available for purchase here:

I am assuming you know the basics of Paint Shop Pro and where the tools can be located.
Here are some arrows and bars you can drag and drop where you need to mark or underline where you are. .
Just left click and drag to where you want it then let go.
They will stay where you put them until you close your browser.

Here's a small version of the tag that you can drag with you for reference
Open your tubes, duplicate them (shift-D) and close the originals.
I always open all of my tubes and close as I use them
The tube "Chrismist_Valentine+Box" is used twice. None of the rest of the tubes are used more than once.
Put the gradient file in your gradient folder.
Double click the font to open it and keep it open to make it available in your program.
Drag the little tag just above with you as you go.
1 - Change foreground color to #cdd6de (Dove grey) and then the gradient vyp_gradient03.jgd and change background color to #7794b1 (medium smoky blue)

Click on foreground color box and configure gradient: style linear, angle 135°, Repeats 5, Invert checked
2 - Open a transparent canvas 700 X 500 pixels
With your bucket tool, fill with gradient
Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur 15
3 - Effects/FM Tile Tools/Collage Circular: -0.375/0.340/0

Effects/Edge Effects/Enhance
4 - Effects/Pentacom/Jeans: 31/4

5 - Activate the tube "Chrismist_Valentine+Box"
Edit>Copy (Control-C), Edit>Paste as new layer (control-L)
Resize copy to 80%, resize all layers not checked
Effects/Image Effects/Offset: -225/73/Custom/Transparent

Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)

6 - Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer a second time
Image/Resize to 80%, resize all layers not checked
Effects/Image Effects/Offset: 340/-50/ Custom/Transparent: It will be half off the canvas on the bottom right

Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)
7 - Effects/Image Effects/Seamless Tile: check Corner, Vertical, 14-50

8 - Activate the Selection Tool
In the toolbar, click on Custom Selection

place these figures : top 50-bottom 450-left 210-right 572

9 - Layers>New Raster Layer
Fill with color #41536c (dark smoky blue)

Selections/Modify/Select selection borders:

10 - Selection/Invert/hit your delete key.

11 - Select the frame with the magic wand
Effects/Texture Effects/Blinds: 2-80-Light from left/top checked/color #7794b1 (med smoky blue)
12 - Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/50/5/black

13 - Activate the Selection Tool
Click on Personalized (Custom) Selection, it will still have Step 6 (8!!!) settings in it, keep them
New raster layer
Fill with gradient, Foreground-Background, Style Halo, Repeats 0, 50-50-50-50, Invert not checked
14 - Effects/Texture Effects/Weave: 1-10-2-Weave Color #7695B1 (background color) and Gap Color white, fill gaps checked

15 - Layers/New raster layer
Open the tube of the couple "mc238"
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
16 - Duplicate/turn off the copy layer (click on eye)
Highlight the original tube layer (second layer from top)
Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur 5
Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)
17 - Highlight the copy layer, turn it on
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: -5/5/85/5/color #41536c (dark smoky blue)
18 - Layers/Merge down two times, to merge the tubes together, Move the tubes down slightly so the shadow at the top of the hair is not over the top of the frame, then merge down once more to merge them with the dotted background.
Layers>Arrange>Move down, this will bring the frame to the top
19 - Highlight the layer your frame is on and Layers>Merge down.
20 - Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/5/color black
21 - Duplicate
Image/Resize to 40%
Uncheck "all layers"
Effects/Image Effects/Offset: -175/-140/Custom/Transparent

Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/5/color black
22 - Activate the tube "Mou_Necklace"
Edit/Copy/Edit/Paste as new layer
Resize layer twice at 85%, resize all layers not checked
Effects/Image Effects/Offset: -298/-145/Custom/Transparent

Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy)
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 0/0/80/5/color black

Check that all is where you want it. Merge all.
23 - Image/Add Borders: 2 pixels color #41536c

24 - Image/Add Borders: 25 pixels contrasting color
Select with the magic wand
Edit/Paste into selection
Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur 15
Effects/Graphics Plus>Cross Shadow: 50-50-50-50-50-128-184

25 - Image/Add Borders: 2 pixels color #41536c
26 - Selections/Select all
Selections>modify>Contract 29 pixels
Effects/3D Effects/Cutout: 0/0/80/25/black

27 - Activate the Text tool, font of choice (I used the font 38, supplied, size 36)/
background color #41536c, foreground color turned off

Enter the text of your choice. I typed Love and the dots in one layer, then Always in a second layer to arrange them better.
Right click in layer palette and convert to raster
28 - Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: 1/1/60/1/color black
I also rotated the words slightly: Image>Rotate>Free Rotate>10° Left
29 - type your name on small heart

You're done. Merge all.
To resize, make sure, to retain the texture and the clarity, resize at 90% bicubic and repeat till you get close to the size you want.
At that point you can resize by pixels as usual. You will find this makes a big difference in your final result.
If you resize, use the unsharp mask or Brightness/Contrast to sharpen it a bit.
Adjust>Sharpness>Unsharp mask at Radius 1, strength 60, clipping 4.
Adjust>Brightness and Contrast set to Brightness of 5-contrast of 15.
Layers>New raster layer. Add your water mark on this new layer
Layers>Merge>Merge all (flatten)
File>Export>Jpeg optimizer - compression of 20.
l hope you had fun!
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If you have any questions or suggestions, click on the email button below to contact me. Have a wonderful day!
Tutorial translated February 23, 2008
* * *
These tutorials are translated with permission from the original writer.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.
Feel free to share any of my tutorials on this site by a link back to my site,
but do not copy and send the entire tutorial to anyone or any group.
©2003-2008 Ellie's Treasures

Alternate versions

By my friend Bobbi, of Ramblin Roots

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Webpage Design Information
This webpage background was made in PhotoImpact with a tutorial by Deb DeHaven
Sadly, she passed away but her tutorials just came back online, thanks to PIRCNet.
You can find the tutorial

The font I used for all of the text on the buttons is BrockScript
The font I used for the "Amour . . Toujours " tutorial header is 38.
Click on the font name to download the font.
I use PhotoImpact to make all of my headers due to the amazing
3D text it has and the wonderful presets available free online
Most of the presets I use are either the ones that come with PhotoImpact, usually the Gel ones,
or from Deb's PI Tutorials and More (see below) or
Carol Oyl's site

This is the address to Deb's old pages
I can't find any links to her new pages but the presets are still on this page for download.
For more sites to find PI Presets, take a look at my Great Beginnings page.