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Tutorial written March 28, 2007

This tutorial is written using PSP X but can be done in all version. I do assume you have
experience working with vectors, layers and the painting tools in PSP. No outside filters
are used. Some of the screenshots are enlarged to show node placement better.

Let's get started. Remember to Save your work often.

1. Open a 500 X 500 transparent canvas.

2. Set your background color to #df4b2c, foreground should be off.

3. Preset Shapes set to Ellipse with these settings...

4. Add a New Vector Layer naming it petal1. Draw out a large oval at the top center of
your canvas...

5. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

6. Add nodes and shape your petal something like this....

Note... the shape of the petals towards the center of the flower on the first 3
petals doesn't matter too much, they will be covered by the top petals.

7. Click Apply when you're finished.

8. Add a New Vector Layer naming it petal 2.

9. Same preset shape, draw out another oval to the bottom left of the first one...

10. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

11. Add nodes, change to Cusp where needed to shape your petal something like this...

12. Click Apply when you're happy.

13. Add a New Vector Layer naming it petal 3.

14. Draw another oval to the right bottom...

15. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

16. Shape this petal something like this...

17. Click Apply.

18. Add a New Vector Layer naming it petal4.

19. Draw this oval between petals 2 and 3...

20. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

21. Shape the petal something like this...

Note... the center end of this petal and the next 3 will show so keep that in mind as you
shape them.

22. Click Apply.

23. New Vector Layer naming it petal 5.

24. The next oval placement is to the left between petals 1 and 2....

25. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

26. Shape this petal something like this...

27. Click Apply.

28. One last petal to make. Add a New Vector Layer naming it petal6.

29. Draw this oval between petal 1 and petal 3....

30. Right click, Convert to path, click on the Pen Tool.

31. Shape this petal something like this...

32. Click Apply.

33. Set your background color to #e2dd85.

34. Make Raster Layer 1 your active layer. Add a New Vector Layer naming it

35. Preset Shapes, same as we used for the petals.

36. Draw out a small oval in the center of your petals...

37. Click Apply.

Note.. my center is on top of my petals to show you the placement and size but yours will be
under your petals.

Those are the vector shapes of an Amaryllis. You can save a copy with vectors intact if you
wish, otherwise, convert each shape to a Raster Layer.

38. Set your foreground color to #c13224 and your background color to #972117

39. Select and Float Petal 1. Contract the selection by 2. Add a New Raster Layer
naming it 1 Shading.

40. Click on the Airbrush and set to these settings....

Feel free to adjust these settings to suit your needs.

41. Apply streaks of shading to the petal using the lighter color, something like this...

42. Switch colors and apply a few darker areas here and there and in the bend of the petal...

43. Use the Smudge Tool with the below settings to blend and smooth your colors...

44. Once you're happy with your shading, deselect the petal, close all layers except the petal
layer and shading layer and merge the two layers visible renaming as Petal1.

45. Select, float, contract by 2, add a new layer and follow the same steps to shade petals 2
and 3....

46. Continue selecting, contracting and shading each petal layer using the two colors...

It's starting to look like an Amaryllis!

47. Now go back selecting each petal, except Petal4 (DO NOT contract the selections
this time).
Use the Airbrush and Smudge Tool settings and color #530d0b to add heavy shading
on each petal towards the center of the flower. Use the Smudge Tool to blend the
areas. You can also add some of the dark color to the veins of the petals (but not very
much) and to create shadows on the bottom petals that have petals on top of them....

48. Now, before we finish shading petal 4 we need to make our stamen for our flower.

49. Make your top layer your active layer. Set you foreground color to #a42921
background should be off.

50. Click on your Pen Tool and set to these settings....

51. Click once to start your line in the center of the flower, click again to end your line. Convert the
line to Raster.
Note in the screenshots below my stamen is green so that you can see it better but yours should be
the color above....

52. The screenshot below shows the placement of all the stamen...

53. Set your foreground color to #e2db84, background off and your Paintbrush to
these settings....

54. Adding new layers as you go to paint on the tip of the stamen...

55. Select and Float each of the stamen layers. Use the Airbrush to add shades of
#7b8620 and #e2db84 to each stamen. Use the smudge tool to blend the colors...


We're almost finished!

55. Select and Float petal 4. Use the darkest color #530d0b to shade your last petal.
Deselect the petal and lightly spray the dark color and use the smudge tool to continue
to blend the petals and stamen into the center of the flower. This is my finished flower...

By simply using the Brightness and Contrast filter I was able to change the color of my Amaryllis to
the darker red shown in the header image.

I hope you've enjoyed and learned from this tutorial.

Until next time... God Bless!

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Tutorial written March 2007
© Copyright 2007 Designs By Astro
All rights reserved.